B. Nastasi
36 records found
The sound diffusion in Italian Opera Houses
Some examples
Soundfield diffuseness in rooms is considered a fundamental aspect of a high-quality room acoustics. Since early studies by Hodgson up to more recent studies of Shtrepi and Embrechts, it was shown that high levels of sound diffuseness could guarantee blending of music, as well as
This paper reviews the classification schemes used for bottom-up energy system modelling and proposes a novel one as re-elaboration of the previous schemes. Moreover, this paper identifies that the main challenges of this research field rotate around the concept of resolution. A
Acoustic performance of concert halls and opera houses is usually assessed by measuring the BIRs (Binaural Impulse Responses). Anechoic music convoluted with BIRs constitutes the virtual sound in the way it is played in the sound field, i.e. the room. From BIRs, the IACC (Inter-A
During the renovation of auditoria and concert halls, the acoustic quality is normally evaluated from measurements of impulse responses. One possibility for evaluating the acoustic quality from the measurements (the simulations) consists of convolving anechoic music with the meas
The acoustic quality in auditorium and concert halls is normally evaluated by the measurements of Impulse responses (monaural, binaural or even MIMO). The subjective evaluation is often obtained by convolving anechoic music with the measured IRs. The psycho-acoustical experiment
The Acoustic Simulation of Performing Area in the Auditorium
Some Examples in Italy
The design of auditoria and opera houses requires particular care for the stage area, where several different requirements should be achieved for the performers. Among these, the acoustic quality represents a fundamental aspect, and it differs from the listeners' perspective. Mor
In 2008, the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE TM46 UC) presented an annual-fixed thermal energy benchmark of 240 kWh/m2/yr for university campus (UC) buildings as an attempt to reduce energy consumption in public buildings. However, the CIBSE TM46 UC be
This pioneering Special Issue aims at providing the state-of-the-art on open energy data analytics; its availability in the different contexts, i.e., country peculiarities; and at different scales, i.e., building, district, and regional for data-aware planning and policy-making.
Parametric performance analysis and energy model calibration workflow integration
A scalable approach for buildings
High efficiency paradigms and rigorous normative standards for new and existing buildings are fundamental components of sustainability and energy transitions strategies today. However, optimistic assumptions and simplifications are often considered in the design phase and, even w
Solar energy data analytics
PV deployment and land use
EU targets for sustainable development call for strong changes in the current energy systems as well as committed protection of environmental resources. This target conflicts if a policy is not going to promote the compatible solutions to both the issues. This is the case of the
The acoustic quality of concert halls is extremely relevant for the modeling and simulation of the global music experience and for improving the acoustic design of music spaces. Furthermore, the acoustic characteristics of historical opera houses are considered to be one of the m
Building performance monitoring
From in-situ measurement to regression-based approaches
Simple and robust data analysis methodologies are crucial to learn insights from measured data and reduce the performance gap in building stock. For this reason, continuous performance monitoring should become a more diffuse practice in order to improve our design and operation s
Smart multi-energy systems based on distributed polygeneration power plants have gained increasing attention for having shown the capability of significant primary energy savings and reduced CO2 pollutant emissions due to the high renewable energy sources penetration.
From in-situ measurement to regression and time series models
An overview of trends and prospects for building performance modelling
Data analysis methodologies are crucial to learn insights from data and to create more trust in the assumptions used for energy performance assessment. Indeed, continuous performance monitoring should become a more diffuse practice in order to improve our design and operation str
The identification of techno-economically feasible decarbonisation paths and sustainability transitions for the built environment is a necessary task for research today and building stock renovation processes can act in synergy with innovative economic and technological developme
This paper investigates the relationship between Indoor Environmental Quality index (IEQ): thermal comfort index and indoor temperature trend in moderate thermal environments, in buildings that belong to the Class A with reference to the Energy Performance of Building Directive (
Electrification of the built environment is foreseen as a main driver for energy transition for more effective, electric renewable capacity firming. Direct and on-time use of electricity is the best way to integrate them, but the current energy demand of residential building stoc
Performance Indicators of Electricity Generation at Country Level
The Case of Italy
Power Grids face significant variability in their operation, especially where there are high proportions of non-programmable renewable energy sources constituting the electricity mix. An accurate and up-to-date knowledge of operational data is essential to guaranteeing the optima
Stationary and dynamic heat and mass transfer analyses of building components are an essential part of energy efficient design of new and retrofitted buildings. Generally, a single constant thermal conductivity value is assumed for each material layer in construction components.