Sergey V. Grigoriev

6 records found

Abstract: We created software to simulate the Larmor precession in a setup for SESANS with adiabatic/radio frequency flippers in magnets designed to measure the time-of-flight on pulsed or stationary neutron sources. The values and spatial configurations of the magnetic fields of ...
This paper reports on the two-scale fractal structure of chromatin organization in the nucleus of the HeLa cell. Two neutron scattering methods, small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) and spin-echo SANS, are used to unambiguously identify the large-scale structure as being a logar ...
The use of π-flippers for correction of line integrals in Larmor-precession devices is described. The π-flippers consist of magnetised foils of the proper thickness, magnetised by the field of the precession device itself. Application of such π-flippers in a spin-echo small angle ...
Spin-echo small-angle neutron scattering of dilute dispersions of mono-disperse polystyrene spheres is measured. The spheres have radii of 60 and 100 nm. The measurements agree well in shape and absolute intensity with calculations. Multiple scattering is significant in these exp ...
Larmor precession has been used in the past in neutron spin-echo and neutron depolarisation. In the last decade, interest has been revived in the inclined front and end faces of the precession regions combined with the neutron-resonance spin-echo (NRSE) technique. Various techniq ...