W.G. Bouwman

176 records found

Biopolymer-based capillary suspensions

Influence of particle properties on network formation

Capillary suspensions are unique materials, in which the rheological properties can be tuned by controlling the particle network through capillary interactions. To gain insights into the influence of particle properties on the network formation and accompanying gel strength for w ...
Plant-based meat alternatives are seeing considerable interest due to their potential to reduce environmental burden and enhance population health. The food industry, therefore, seeks routes to provide the consumer with whole-cut plant-based products that closely resemble meat pr ...

Improving the Mouthfeel of Plant-Based “Meat”

Neutrons and X-rays provide information on structure formation that can help us improve meat alternatives

Sustainability, health and animal welfare concerns drive consumers to plant-based meat alternatives, but their mouthfeel is still lacking. Mimicking the complex fibrous meat structure is key for alternative whole-cut products to be accepted by meat lovers. A recent study, publish ...
We conduct simulations of Spin Echo Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SESANS) by employing Monte Carlo methods to a setup using four magnetic Wollaston prisms. Our primary focus involves the validation of these models, encompassing monochromatic scenarios across various neutron wav ...
We have used spin-echo small-angle neutron scattering (SESANS) to probe the hierarchy of structures present in polymer–carbon nanocomposites, with length scales spanning over three orders of magnitude, from 10 nm to 16 μm. The data processing and reduction show a unified approach ...
A round-robin study has been carried out to estimate the impact of the human element in small-angle scattering data analysis. Four corrected datasets were provided to participants ready for analysis. All datasets were measured on samples containing spherical scatterers, with two ...
Interactive Textbook. Het boek is een algemene introductie in het elektromagnetisme, zoals in de meeste Amerikaanse universiteiten in het eerste jaar wordt gegeven. Uiteindelijk worden de wetten van Maxwell in integraal-vorm gegeven. De begrippen elektrische lading, krachten en ...
The spin-echo small-angle neutron scattering (SESANS) technique utilises a series of inclined magnetic fields before and after the sample to encode the scattering angle into the polarisation to obtain a much higher resolution than in conventional SANS. The analogous technique (sp ...
The organization of chromatin in the nuclei of rat lymphocyte was studied by time-of-flight spin-echo small-angle neutron scattering (ToF-SESANS). The procedures of the measurements in ToF and monochromatic SESANS modes were compared. It is shown that the sensitivity of the ToF m ...
A novel spin echo small-angle neutron scattering (SESANS) concept based on a rotationally symmetric magnetic field geometry is introduced. The proposed method is similar to the conventional linear SESANS technique but uses
longitudinal precession fields and field gradients in ...
For the further development of spin-echo techniques to label elastic scattering it is necessary to perform simulations of the Larmor precession of neutron spins in a magnetic field. The details of some of these techniques as implemented at the reactor in Delft are simulated. Firs ...

High-pressure homogenized citrus fiber cellulose dispersions

Structural characterization and flow behavior

Functionalized biomass waste sources of cellulose have drawn attention due to their high availability and sustainability properties. In this work we characterize the structural and flow properties of high-pressure homogenized citrus fiber cellulose dispersions, employing SAXS, rh ...
Spin-echo small-angle neutron scattering (SESANS) yields structural information on length scales from 30 nanometres up till 20 micrometres. These length scales match nicely those of colloids, protein networks and fat droplets, which are present in many food materials. This makes ...
By introducing hydrophilic polymers into silicone medical devices, highly beneficial biomedical properties can be realized. An established solution to introduce hydrophilic polymers is to form an interpenetrating polymer network (IPN) by performing the hydrogel synthesis in the p ...
Small angle scattering is frequently applied to study the anisotropy in complex soft matter systems. One emerging application is to probe the multi-scale structure in food matrices; while few models are available to describe the anisotropic scattering pattern in a quantitative, y ...
Spray-drying is a widely used industrial technique and has shown an immense potential in the fields of nanoscience and technology. This is due to its ability to synthesize microgranules consisting of correlated nanostructures using evaporation induced assembly through bottom-up a ...
SESANS data analysis has been implemented in the SasView software package, allowing SESANS experiments to be analyzed using a numerical Hankel transformation of isotropic small-angle scattering (SAS) models. The error of the numerical approximation is three orders of magnitude be ...
Pronounced fibres are formed through simple shearing of a dense calcium caseinate dispersion. Both mechanical tests and scanning electron microscopy images demonstrate that the material is anisotropic. It is hypothesised that calcium caseinate aggregates, under shear, align into ...