R. M. Dalgliesh
28 records found
Plant-based meat alternatives are seeing considerable interest due to their potential to reduce environmental burden and enhance population health. The food industry, therefore, seeks routes to provide the consumer with whole-cut plant-based products that closely resemble meat pr
Cellulose membranes were prepared from an EMIMAc ionic liquid solution by nonsolvent-induced phase separation (NIPS) in coagulation baths of water–acetone mixtures, ethanol–water mixtures and water at different temperatures. High water volume fractions in the coagulation bath res
We describe an experiment that strongly supports a two-path interferometric model in which the spin-up and spin-down components of each neutron propagate coherently along spatially separated parallel paths in a typical neutron spin-echo small-angle scattering (SESANS) experiment.
The organization of chromatin in the nuclei of rat lymphocyte was studied by time-of-flight spin-echo small-angle neutron scattering (ToF-SESANS). The procedures of the measurements in ToF and monochromatic SESANS modes were compared. It is shown that the sensitivity of the ToF m
The first measurements of magnetic correlation functions are presented using time-of-flight Spin-echo modulated small angle neutron scattering (SEMSANS) on the Larmor instrument at the ISIS pulsed neutron source. The accessible length scale is beyond that of the conventional SANS
In-situ Neutron Diffraction and Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) are employed for the first time simultaneously in order to reveal the interaction between the austenite to ferrite phase transformation and the precipitation kinetics during isothermal annealing at 650 and at 7
The modulated intensity by zero effort small-angle neutron scattering (MI-SANS) technique is used to measure scattering with a high energy resolution on samples normally ill-suited for neutron resonance spin echo. The self-diffusion constant of water is measured over a q-t range
Polymeric micelles, due to their easy preparation and versatile properties, have been widely applied as one of the most popular carriers for chemotherapeutic agents. Such micelles primarily prevent the leakage of drugs during transportation and thus protect healthy tissue. Contro
The development of direct probes of entanglement is integral to the rapidly expanding field of complex quantum materials. Here we test the robustness of entangled neutrons as a quantum probe by measuring the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt contextuality witness while varying the beam
Phospholipid gum mesostructures formed in crude soybean oil after water degumming (WD) and enzymatic degumming (ED) were studied at a range of phospholipid and water concentrations. For ED, phospholipase C (PLC), phospholipase A2 (PLA2) and a mixture of phospholipases Purifine 3G
Interphase precipitation occurring during solid-state phase transformations in micro-alloyed steels is generally studied through transmission electron microscopy, atom probe tomography, and ex situ measurements of Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS). The advantage of SANS over
Pronounced fibres are formed through simple shearing of a dense calcium caseinate dispersion. Both mechanical tests and scanning electron microscopy images demonstrate that the material is anisotropic. It is hypothesised that calcium caseinate aggregates, under shear, align into
Various theories beyond the Standard Model predict new particles with masses in the sub-eV range with very weak couplings to ordinary matter which can possess spin-dependent couplings to electrons and nucleons. We report null results of a search for possible exotic spin-dependent
A cold-rolled Ti-V high strength low alloy (HSLA) steel was isothermally annealed at 650 °C and 700 °C for different times. A unique combination of techniques including visible light microscopy (VLM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), matrix dissolution, small angle neutron
In-situ Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) is used to determine the time evolution of the chemical composition of precipitates at 650 °C and 700 °C in three micro-alloyed steels with different vanadium (V) and carbon (C) concentrations. Precipitates with a distribution of subs
The development of qualitatively new measurement capabilities is often a prerequisite for critical scientific and technological advances. Here we introduce an unconventional quantum probe, an entangled neutron beam, where individual neutrons can be entangled in spin, trajectory a
Fullerene derivatives are used in a wide range of applications including as electron acceptors in solution-processable organic photovoltaics. We report agglomeration of fullerene derivatives in optically opaque solutions of PC61BM and PC71BM, with concentrat
Microemulsion systems consisting of D2O, an alkane, an anionic internal olefin sulfonate surfactant, salt and secondary butyl alcohol (SBA) as co-solvent are studied in a systematic way. In four different sample sets, either the salt content, SBA content or alkane carb
The archetype cubic chiral magnet MnSi is home to some of the most fascinating states in condensed matter, such as skyrmions and a non-Fermi-liquid behavior in conjunction with a topological Hall effect under hydrostatic pressure. Using small angle neutron scattering, we study th
The precipitation kinetics of vanadium carbides and its interaction with the austenite-to-ferrite phase transformation is studied in two micro-alloyed steels that differ in vanadium and carbon concentrations by a factor of two, but have the same vanadium-to-carbon atomic ratio of