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7 records found


Organic electrochemistry is currently experiencing an era of renaissance, which is closely related to the possibility of carrying out organic transformations under mild conditions, with high selectivity, high yields, and without the use of toxic solvents. Combination of organi ...

Homogeneous Catalysis in Plastic Waste Upcycling

A DFT Study on the Role of Imperfections in Polymer Chains

Rational plastic recycling is critical for addressing the environmental challenges associated with plastic waste. Among the various recycling methods, chemical recycling, particularly via homogeneous catalysis, holds promise for converting plastic waste into valuable products. ...

The stoichiometric conversion of methane to methanol by Cu-exchanged zeolites can be brought to highest yields by the presence of extraframework Al and high CH4 chemical potentials. Combining theory and experiments, the differences in chemical reactivity of monometa ...

Property-activity relations of multifunctional reactive ensembles in cation-exchanged zeolites

A case study of methane activation on Zn2+-modified zeolite BEA

The reactivity theories and characterization studies for metal-containing zeolites are often focused on probing the metal sites. We present a detailed computational study of the reactivity of Zn-modified BEA zeolite towards C-H bond activation of the methane molecule as a mode ...

Selective dimerization of ethene to 2-butene on Zn2+-containing ZSM-5 zeolite (Zn2+/ZSM-5) at 296-523 K has been discovered. The intermediate but-3-en-1-ylzinc species is identified with 13C CP/MAS NMR and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The density functional theory ...

Nature of the Surface Intermediates Formed from Methane on Cu-ZSM-5 Zeolite

A Combined Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Density Functional Theory Study

The intermediates formed upon the interaction of methane with Cu-modified ZSM-5 zeolites (Cu/H-ZSM-5) have been analyzed with solid-state NMR spectroscopy and DFT methods. Methane activation by Cu/H-ZSM-5 zeolites gives rise to three distinct surface methoxy-like species (-O-C ...

The influence of the model and method choice on the DFT predicted 13C NMR chemical shifts of zeolite surface methoxide species has been systematically analyzed. Twelve 13C NMR chemical shift calculation protocols on full periodic and hybrid periodic-cluster DFT calculations with ...