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Z. Yang
Academic Work (22)
Book chapter (3)
Conference paper (18)
Journal article (1)
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22 records found
TravelThrough: A participatory-based guidance system for traveling through disaster areas
Conference paper (2012) -
L.T. Gunawan (author)
Siska Fitrianie (author)
S. Fitrianie (author)
Z. Yang (author)
Z Yang (author)
Willem Paul Brinkman (author)
W.P. Brinkman (author)
Willem-Paul Brinkman (author)
M.A. Neerincx (author)
MA Neerincx (author)
Mark A. Neerincx (author)
Mark Neerincx (author)
Surveillance system using abondoned object detection
Conference paper (2011) -
Z Yang (author)
Z. Yang (author)
LJM Rothkrantz (author)
Leon Rothkrantz (author)
L.J.M. Rothkrantz (author)
Addressing multimodality in overt aggression detection
Conference paper (2011) -
Iulia Lefter (author)
I. Lefter (author)
L.J.M. Rothkrantz (author)
LJM Rothkrantz (author)
Leon Rothkrantz (author)
GJ Burghouts (author)
Z Yang (author)
Z. Yang (author)
P Wiggers (author)
P. Wiggers (author)
Automatic aggression detection inside trains
Conference paper (2010) -
Z Yang (author)
Z. Yang (author)
LJM Rothkrantz (author)
Leon Rothkrantz (author)
L.J.M. Rothkrantz (author)
Analysis of shopping behaviour based on surveillance system.
Conference paper (2010) -
M.C. Popa (author)
L.J.M. Rothkrantz (author)
Leon Rothkrantz (author)
LJM Rothkrantz (author)
Z Yang (author)
Z. Yang (author)
P. Wiggers (author)
P Wiggers (author)
R Braspenning (author)
C Shan (author)
Context-Aware Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction
Book chapter (2010) -
S. Fitrianie (author)
Siska Fitrianie (author)
Z. Yang (author)
Z Yang (author)
D. Datcu (author)
D Datcu (author)
A.G. Chitu (author)
AG Chitu (author)
L.J.M. Rothkrantz (author)
Leon Rothkrantz (author)
LJM Rothkrantz (author)
Crowd control by multiple cameras
Conference paper (2009) -
LJM Rothkrantz (author)
Leon Rothkrantz (author)
L.J.M. Rothkrantz (author)
Z Yang (author)
Z. Yang (author)
An agression detection system for the train compartment
Book chapter (2009) -
Z Yang (author)
Z. Yang (author)
S. Fitrianie (author)
Siska Fitrianie (author)
D Datcu (author)
D. Datcu (author)
LJM Rothkrantz (author)
Leon Rothkrantz (author)
L.J.M. Rothkrantz (author)
A bottum up approach of fusion of events in surveillance systems
Conference paper (2009) -
Leon Rothkrantz (author)
L.J.M. Rothkrantz (author)
LJM Rothkrantz (author)
Z. Yang (author)
Z Yang (author)
P. Wiggers (author)
P Wiggers (author)
Collaborative robot agents for AIBO soccer
Journal article (2009) -
E Daman (author)
IJJ Borm (author)
Z Yang (author)
Z. Yang (author)
L.J.M. Rothkrantz (author)
Leon Rothkrantz (author)
LJM Rothkrantz (author)
Developing concept-based user interface using icons for reporting observations
Conference paper (2008) -
S. Fitrianie (author)
Siska Fitrianie (author)
Z. Yang (author)
Z Yang (author)
Leon Rothkrantz (author)
L.J.M. Rothkrantz (author)
LJM Rothkrantz (author)
Collaborative robot agents
Conference paper (2008) -
E Daman (author)
Z. Yang (author)
Z Yang (author)
Leon Rothkrantz (author)
L.J.M. Rothkrantz (author)
LJM Rothkrantz (author)
Beaviour detection in dutch train compartments
Conference paper (2008) -
Z. Yang (author)
Z Yang (author)
A. Keur (author)
Leon Rothkrantz (author)
L.J.M. Rothkrantz (author)
LJM Rothkrantz (author)
A system for adaptive multimodal interaction in crisis environments
Conference paper (2007) -
D. Datcu (author)
D Datcu (author)
Z. Yang (author)
Z Yang (author)
Leon Rothkrantz (author)
L.J.M. Rothkrantz (author)
LJM Rothkrantz (author)
Dynamic scripting in crisis environments
Conference paper (2007) -
Z Yang (author)
Z. Yang (author)
LJM Rothkrantz (author)
Leon Rothkrantz (author)
L.J.M. Rothkrantz (author)
A comparison of the ild and tdoa sound source localization algorithms in a train environment
Conference paper (2007) -
J Voordouw (author)
Z Yang (author)
Z. Yang (author)
L.J.M. Rothkrantz (author)
Leon Rothkrantz (author)
LJM Rothkrantz (author)
CAPG van der Mast (author)
Multimodal workbench for automatic surveillance applications
Conference paper (2007) -
D. Datcu (author)
D Datcu (author)
Z. Yang (author)
Z Yang (author)
Leon Rothkrantz (author)
L.J.M. Rothkrantz (author)
LJM Rothkrantz (author)
The use of storyboards in audio-visual data collection
Conference paper (2007) -
Z Yang (author)
Z. Yang (author)
X. Wang (author)
X Wang (author)
Xibin Wang (author)
Xiaochuan Wang (author)
Xintang Wang (author)
L.J.M. Rothkrantz (author)
Leon Rothkrantz (author)
LJM Rothkrantz (author)
Emotion sensing for context sensitive interpretation of crisis reports
Conference paper (2007) -
Z Yang (author)
Z. Yang (author)
LJM Rothkrantz (author)
Leon Rothkrantz (author)
L.J.M. Rothkrantz (author)
Multimodal workbench for automatic surveillance applications
Book chapter (2007) -
D. Datcu (author)
D Datcu (author)
Z. Yang (author)
Z Yang (author)
Leon Rothkrantz (author)
L.J.M. Rothkrantz (author)
LJM Rothkrantz (author)