
20 records found

Escape rooms are multi-player games that contain several puzzles that need to be solved in order to open locked chests and discover new clues, which eventually enables the players to escape the room. While the players are inside the escape room, the game host observes the group t ...

The noticeability of behavioral changes of a conversational agent

An evaluation of an agent-based social skills training system

Helpline counselors can be trained faster using agent-based social skills training systems. These systems utilize conversational agents that simulate interactions with users and provide feedback. This research evaluates the noticeability of behavior changes in such a conversation ...
Seeing the virtual coach as a friend is beneficial as it increases the motivation, confidence, and perseverance of the accompanying. Here, an investigation has taken place to what characteristics the virtual coach must possess to establish this friendly relationship. Thus, the ma ...


Educational game about data centers for children

Women are largely underrepresented in IT, girls’ interest in STEM and IT fields tends to drop throughout secondary education. Educational games are a great tool to change the perception of certain topics, as well as changing the behavior of the players. Thus, this report describe ...
A virtual coach, Sam, was created by the Perfect Fit project to aid users in establishing a foundation to stop smoking via the means of making them more physically active. Data from 500 users had been collected from them during stages which start with a pre-screening phase until ...
The aim of this research is to evaluate the believability of Lilobot, a conversational agent meant to act as a virtual child for training helpline workers. Numerous aspects of believability are explored by means of a user study involving a questionnaire and interview with 10 part ...

Evaluation of feedback generated from agent-based social skills training systems

A qualitative analysis on the comprehensibility, usability, and improvement points of the generated feedback

Chatbots are tools that can potentially be utilized in chat-based child helpline training. In this type of training, the quality of the feedback received is of vital importance. This paper aims to analyze the automated feedback generated by such a chatbot. The domains analyzed in ...
To assist smokers in potentially quitting their habit, this paper investigates digital eHealth applications. Based on a dataset provided by research into an eHealth application, it aims to determine if persuasive activities can convince users of the usefulness of competencies det ...

Perceptions of Artificial Social Agents

The cultural similarities and differences between Dutch and Chinese speakers in their perception of artificial social agents

Artificial social agents (ASAs) are systems designed to interact with humans in a socially intelligent manner. As the field of robotics is rapidly advancing, some studies focused on creating more effective agents by analysing how people perceive them. However, culture affects peo ...

Motivating, your way

Tailoring your fitness journey

A significant cardiovascular health risk is insufficient physical activity. The World Health Organization recommends 150 minutes of strenuous physical activity every week. Inadequate physical activity increases the risk of chronic diseases and other health conditions like cholest ...

Animating Still Images

Folding Texture Design and Synthesis

The phenomenon of one element moving and progressively overlaying another is common in nature, such as waves swashing and backwashing, or eyelids moving over eyeballs while blinking. Folding Texture, which was proposed by Thorben, can simulate this texture “folding” visual effect ...

Music Playlist Generation for Emotion Regulation

A Functional Component in the Individualized Music Intervention for Persons with Dementia

Dementia care is a growing problem, both due to a rising number of cases and due to a shortage in healthcare workers. Aside from cognitive symptoms persons with dementia (PwDs) often deal with psychological symptoms such as agitation. The individualized music intervention (IMI) b ...

The Words are not Enough

An Investigation into the Viability of Textual Complexity as a Feature for Recommendation Systems

Reading is an essential skill for any child to learn, and finding enjoyment in it can greatly contribute to developing proper reading comprehension. Finding the books they like could prove to be difficult. Utilizing collaborative filtering recommender systems to recommend books t ...
As guided interventions are seen as more effective compared to unguided interventions and because the use of eHealth applications is rising over the years, the need to study the effects of a virtual coach as a substitute for guided interventions was created. A virtual coach does ...

Agent-Based Social Skills Training Systems: A Comprehensive Analysis of Commercial Solutions

What commercially available training systems are out there and how do they model their agents and feedback?

Agent-based social skills training systems have been gaining attention for their potential to improve social skills development in various contexts. Through a rapid review methodology, data was collected from diverse sources, including company websites and research papers. This s ...

Learning What to Attend to

Using bisimulation metrics to explore and improve upon what a deep reinforcement learning agent learns

We analyze the internal representations that deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) agents form of their environments and whether these representations correspond to what such agents should ideally learn. The purpose of this comparison is both a better understanding of why certain algo ...

Virtuele Coach

Voor patiënten met hart- en vaatziekten

Het LUMC, het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum, verzocht om een virtuele coach te ontwikkelen voor patiënten met hart- en vaatziekten. De coach zou deze patiënten thuis kunnen helpen om hen aan hun medicatie te houden. Daarvoor zou de patiënt de coach dagelijks kunnen opzoeken ...

A Conversational Agent for Stress First Aid

Mental Well-being Awareness for Police Officers

Police officers are exposed to many potentially traumatising and stressful situations, but they do not always find the right mental health help they need. In this thesis, conversational agent Robyn is developed to help officers keep an eye on their mental well-being and find help ...

Social relations and diabetes

Creating a support system for people with diabetes

People with diabetes often show symptoms heavily associated with depression, but these symptoms are often caused by the burden of daily diabetes management. The negative feelings caused by this burden are defined as "diabetes burnout''. Some of these negative feelings are caused ...

Language-consistent Open Relation Extraction

From Multilingual Text Corpora

Open Relation Extraction (ORE) aims to find arbitrary relation tuples between entities in unstructured texts. Even though recent research efforts yield state-of-the-art results for the ORE task by utilizing neural network based models, these works are solely focused on the Englis ...