P.A.C. Das


5 records found

Barriers to innovation within large financial services firms

An in-depth study into disruptive and radical innovation projects at a bank

Purpose - Since the 2008 financial crisis, the financial industry is in need of innovation to increase stability and improve quality of services. The purpose of this paper is to explore internal barriers that influence the effectiveness of projects within large financial services ...
How can large-scale services firms, such as banks, best undertake disruptive and radical innovations to enter new areas of growth, without interfering with current operations? This thesis shows that by embedding tailored controls for disruptive and radical innovations firms can e ...
This paper examines process models for innovation in complex large-scale organizations. Both models in literature and in financial services are examined. The paper proposes a spiral process model for innovation that emphasizes the continuous and evolutionary character of innovati ...
This paper examines process models for innovation in complex large-scale organizations. Both models in literature and in financial services are examined. The paper proposes a spiral process model for innovation that emphasizes the continuous and evolutionary character of innovati ...
This paper examines process models for innovation in complex large-scale organizations. Both models in literature and in financial services are examined. The paper proposes a spiral process model for innovation that emphasizes the continuous and evolutionary character of innovati ...


3 records found

Innovation beyond the stage-gate

Factors influencing commercialisation phase within financial services and solutions to mitigate barriers

Financial services industry which used to be relatively traditional is in the midst of change caused by the emergence of FinTech, forcing traditional firms to improve its innovation effectiveness. There exist various studies on corporate entrepreneurship, especially on the fuzzy ...

Join the PRIDE

Offering intrapreneurs working in internal corporate ventures at ING a career perspective

In the ever changing world we live in, companies have to constantly adapt to stay relevant. More and more large organizations do this by starting up innovation hubs next to their established business. ING is one such company that has started up an hub which they call their innova ...
This thesis explores what it takes to make innovation at ING’s PACE accelerator more effective. PACE is ING’s innovation methodology, combining design thinking, agile working and the lean start-up approach into one whole. Within ING’s corporate accelerator track PACE is used to d ...