N. Ghaemi


8 records found

Railway Disruption Timetable

Short-Turnings in case of a Complete Blockage

Abstract: In case of railway disruption, traffic controllers are faced with the challenge of reducing delay propagation. One of the applied measures is to short-turn trains. Currently, predefined plans are used to manage traffic in case of disruption. These manually designed plan ...
This paper investigates the challenges of railway traffic controllers in dealing with big disruptions and the kind of support tools that could help to improve their task in terms of performance, lead time and workload. The disruption handling process can be partitioned into three ...
Currently railway traffic controllers use predefined solutions (contingency plans) to deal with a disruption. These plans are manually designed by expert traffic controllers and are specific to a certain location and timetable. With a slight change in the timetable or infrastruct ...
Disruptions such as rolling stock breakdown, signal failures, and accidents are recurrent events during daily railway operation. Such events disrupt the deployment of resources and cause delay to passengers. Obtaining a reliable disruption length estimation can potentially reduce ...
In case of railway disruptions, traffic controllers are responsible for dealing with disrupted traffic and reduce the negative impact for the rest of the network. In case of a complete blockage when no train can use an entire track, a common practice is to short-turn trains. Trai ...
Railway operations such as any other public transport modes, follows a timetable. However, unplanned events can disrupt the operation. In such occasions the traffic controllers have to deal with the disrupted traffic. Due to the complexity of coordinating the timetable, rolling s ...