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M. Hajenius
Academic Work (39)
Conference paper (17)
Doctoral thesis (1)
Journal article (21)
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39 records found
Twin-slot antenna coupled NbN hot electron bolometer mixer at 2.5 THz
Journal article (2011) -
W Zhang (author)
J.R. Gao (author)
M. Hajenius (author)
W Miao (author)
Pourya Khosropanah (author)
T.M. Klapwijk (author)
SC Shi (author)
Sensitivity of a hot electron bolometer heterodyne receiver at 4.3 THz
Conference paper (2009) -
P. Khosropanah (author)
WM Laauwen (author)
M. Hajenius (author)
J.R. Gao (author)
T.M. Klapwijk (author)
Analysis of NbN hot electron bolometer receiver noise temperatures above 2 THz with a quantum noise model
Journal article (2009) -
P. Khosropanah (author)
W Zhang (author)
E Kollberg (author)
KS Yngvesson (author)
J.R. Gao (author)
T Bansal (author)
M. Hajenius (author)
Sensitivity of a hot electron bolometer heterodyne receiver at 4.3 THz
Conference paper (2008) -
P. Khosropanah (author)
WM Laauwen (author)
M. Hajenius (author)
J.R. Gao (author)
T.M. Klapwijk (author)
Surface plasmon quantum cascade lasers as terahertz local oscillators
Journal article (2008) -
M. Hajenius (author)
P. Khosropanah (author)
HE Beere (author)
J.N. Hovenier (author)
J.R. Gao (author)
T.M. Klapwijk (author)
S. Barbieri (author)
S Dhillon (author)
P Filloux (author)
C Sirtori (author)
DA Ritchi (author)
Low noise NbN hot electron bolometer mixer at 4.3 THz
Journal article (2007) -
P. Khosropanah (author)
J.R. Gao (author)
WM Laauwen (author)
M. Hajenius (author)
T.M. Klapwijk (author)
IF impedance and mixer gain of NbN hot electron bolometers
Journal article (2007) -
JW Kooi (author)
JJA Baselmans (author)
M. Hajenius (author)
JR Gao (author)
T.M. Klapwijk (author)
P Dieleman (author)
AM Baryshev (author)
G de Lange (author)
Terahertz superconducting hot electron bolometer heterodyne receivers
Journal article (2007) -
J.R. Gao (author)
M. Hajenius (author)
ZQ Yang (author)
JJA Baselmans (author)
P. Khosropanah (author)
R Barends (author)
T.M. Klapwijk (author)
Direct comparison of the sensitivity of a spiral and a twin-slot antenna coupled HEB mixer at 1.6 THz
Conference paper (2007) -
J.R. Gao (author)
M. Hajenius (author)
ZQ Yang (author)
T.M. Klapwijk (author)
W Miao (author)
SC Shi (author)
B. Voronov (author)
G Gol'tsman (author)
2.8 THz heterodyne receiver based on a surface plasmon quantum cascade laser and a hot electron plasmon quantum cascade laser and a hot electron
Conference paper (2007) -
M. Hajenius (author)
Pourya Khosropanah (author)
HE Beere (author)
J.N. Hovenier (author)
J.R. Gao (author)
T.M. Klapwijk (author)
S Dhillon (author)
S. Barbieri (author)
P Filloux (author)
C Sirtori (author)
DA Ritchie (author)
Monocrystalline NbN nanofilms on a 3C-SiC/Si substrate
Journal article (2007) -
J.R. Gao (author)
M. Hajenius (author)
F.D. Tichelaar (author)
T.M. Klapwijk (author)
B. Voronov (author)
E. Grishin (author)
G Gol'tsman (author)
CA Zorman (author)
M. Mehregany (author)
Noise temperature of a 4.3 THz HEB receiver
Journal article (2007) -
P. Khosropanah (author)
WM Laauwen (author)
J.R. Gao (author)
M. Hajenius (author)
J.N. Hovenier (author)
T.M. Klapwijk (author)
Optimized sensitivity of NbN hot electron bolometer mixers by annealing
Journal article (2007) -
M. Hajenius (author)
ZQ Yang (author)
J.R. Gao (author)
JJA Baselmans (author)
T.M. Klapwijk (author)
B. Voronov (author)
G Gol'tsman (author)
Resistivity of ultrathin superconducting NbN films for bolometer mixers
Journal article (2007) -
D. Ludkov (author)
R Barends (author)
M. Hajenius (author)
J.R. Gao (author)
T.M. Klapwijk (author)
Terahertz heterodyne mixing with a hot electron bolometer and a quantum cascade laser
Doctoral thesis (2007) -
M. Hajenius (author)
Reduced noise in NbN hot-electron bolometer mixers by annealing
Journal article (2006) -
ZQ Yang (author)
M. Hajenius (author)
JJA Baselmans (author)
J.R. Gao (author)
B. Voronov (author)
G Gol'tsman (author)
Influence of the direct response on the heterodyne sensitivity of hot electron bolometer mixers
Journal article (2006) -
JJA Baselmans (author)
AM Baryshev (author)
SF Reker (author)
M. Hajenius (author)
JR Gao (author)
T.M. Klapwijk (author)
B. Voronov (author)
G Gol'tsman (author)
Stability of heterodyne terahertz receivers
Journal article (2006) -
JW Kooi (author)
JJA Baselmans (author)
AM Baryshev (author)
JR Gao (author)
T.M. Klapwijk (author)
M. Hajenius (author)
W Jellema (author)
ZQ Yang (author)
Full characterization and analysis of a terahertz heterodyne receiver based on a NbN hot electron bolometer
Journal article (2006) -
M. Hajenius (author)
JJA Baselmans (author)
AM Baryshev (author)
JR Gao (author)
T.M. Klapwijk (author)
JW Kooi (author)
W Jellema (author)
ZQ Yang (author)
Terahertz heterodyne receiver based on a quantum cascade laser and a superconducting bolometer
Journal article (2005) -
JR Gao (author)
J.N. Hovenier (author)
S. Kumar (author)
Q Hu (author)
JL Reno (author)
Y. Yang (author)
JJA Baselmans (author)
AM Baryshev (author)
M. Hajenius (author)
T.M. Klapwijk (author)
A.J.L. Adam (author)
TO Klaassen (author)
BS Williams (author)