T.M. Klapwijk

358 records found

A superconductor, when exposed to a spin-exchange field, can exhibit spatial modulation of its order parameter, commonly referred to as the Fulde–Ferrell–Larkin–Ovchinnikov state. Such a state can be induced by controlling the spin-splitting field in Josephson junction devices, a ...
We experimentally study the free-space electromagnetic field emitted from a multimode rectangular waveguide equipped with a diagonal-horn antenna. Using the frequency range of 215-580 GHz, a photomixer is used to launch a free-space circularly polarized electromagnetic field, exc ...
We present an extensive set of data on nanowire-type superconducting single-photon detectors based on niobium-nitride (NbN) to establish the empirical correlation between performance and the normal-state resistance per square. We focus, in particular, on the bias current, compare ...
We evaluate the microscopically relevant parameters for electrical transport of hybrid superconductor-semiconductor interfaces. In contrast to the commonly used geometrically constricted metallic systems, we focus on materials with dissimilar electronic properties like low-carrie ...
The idea that preformed Cooper pairs could exist in a superconductor at temperatures higher than its zero-resistance critical temperature (Tc) has been explored for unconventional, interfacial, and disordered superconductors, but direct experimental evidence is lacking ...
We study experimentally the transmission of an electromagnetic waveguide in the frequency range from 160 to 300 GHz. Photo-mixing is used to excite and detect the fundamental TE10 mode in a rectangular waveguide with two orders-of-magnitude lower impedance. The large i ...
We trace the historical fate of experiment and theory of microwave-stimulated superconductivity as originally reported for constriction-type superconducting weak links. It is shown that the observed effect disappeared by improving weak links to obtain the desired Josephson proper ...
We are developing an ultra-wideband spectroscopic instrument, DESHIMA (DEep Spectroscopic HIgh-redshift MApper), based on the technologies of an on-chip filter bank and microwave kinetic inductance detector (MKID) to investigate dusty starburst galaxies in the distant universe at ...
The integrated superconducting spectrometer (ISS) enables ultra-wideband, large field-of-view integral-field-spectrometer designs for mm-submm wave astronomy. DESHIMA 2.0 is a single-pixel ISS spectrometer for the ASTE 10-m telescope, designed to observe the 220-440 GHz band in a ...
We address parametric amplifiers and kinetic inductance detectors, using concepts of the microscopic theory of superconductivity, and focusing on the interaction of microwave radiation with the superconducting condensate. This interaction was identified in recent experiments as t ...
We study the electrodynamic impedance of percolating conductors with a predefined network topology using a scanning microwave impedance microscope at gigahertz frequencies. For a given percolation number we observe strong spatial variations across a sample that correlate with the ...
In order to understand the emergence of superconductivity it is useful to study the reverse process and identify the various pathways that lead to its destruction. One way is to increase the amount of disorder, as this leads to an increase in Coulomb repulsion that overpowers the ...
We have realized a microstrip based terahertz (THz) near field cantilever that enables quantitative measurements of the impedance of the probe tip at THz frequencies (0.3 THz). A key feature is the on-chip balanced hybrid coupler that serves as an interferometer for passive signa ...
Ultra-wideband, three-dimensional (3D) imaging spectrometry in the millimeter–submillimeter (mm–submm) band is an essential tool for uncovering the dust-enshrouded portion of the cosmic history of star formation and galaxy evolution1–3. However, it is challenging to sc ...
Terahertz spectrometers with a wide instantaneous frequency coverage for passive remote sensing are enormously attractive for many terahertz applications, such as astronomy, atmospheric science, and security. Here we demonstrate a wide-band terahertz spectrometer based on a singl ...
We study, theoretically, the single-photon response of a strongly disordered thin superconducting strip in the flux flow state. We find that this resistive state, at a current I larger than the critical current Ic, jumps to the normal state by the absorption of a single optical p ...
One of the hallmark experiments of quantum transport is the observation of the quantized resistance in a point contact in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures. Being formed with split gate technology, these structures represent in an ideal manner equilibrium reservoirs which are connecte ...
We address the problem of nonequilibrium superconductivity in the presence of microwave irradiation. Using contemporary analytical methods, we refine the old Eliashberg theory and generalize it to arbitrary temperatures T and frequencies ω. Microwave radiation is shown to stimula ...
We investigate thermal properties of a NbN single-photon detector capable of unit internal detection efficiency. Using an independent calibration of the coupling losses, we determine the absolute optical power absorbed by the NbN film and, via resistive superconductor thermometry ...
We report development and microwave characterization of rf SQUID (Superconducting QUantum Interference Device) qubits, consisting of an aluminium-based Josephson junction embedded in a superconducting loop patterned from a thin film of TiN with high kinetic inductance. Here we de ...