Ilse Oude Vrielink


2 records found

Assessing traffic safety of Dutch weaving sections

Validation of the Surrogate Safety Assessment Model combined with VISSIM

Nederlandse wegontwerpers en veiligheidsexperts zoeken naar meer kwantitatieve methodes om de veiligheid van een (voorgenomen) weefvak te bepalen dan de traditionele methodes die gebruik maken van expert judgement en ongevalsregistraties. Een alternatieve methode is om de veiligh ...

Assessing Traffic Safety of Dutch Weaving Sections

Validation of the Surrogate Safety Assessment Model combined with VISSIM

Dutch road designers and safety experts are searching for more quantitative methods to evaluate the safety of a (proposed) weaving section than the traditional methods of expert judgement and use of accident records. An alternative would be to determine safety using VISSIM micro ...