A.A.A. Hussain
11 records found
Producing geothermal heat from production water causes cooldown from the reservoir temperature up to 250C at fluid pressures from over 100 bar to 10 bar.During the process degassification of CO2 and methane cause reduction in pH and by that dissolution and precipitation of minera
As foam is injected into an oil reservoir, the region near an injector can become oil-free due to the relatively high capillary number. Foam created in this region encounters oil further out in the reservoir. The impact of oil on foam in porous media is usually investigated by co
Foam flooding can be applied in soil-remediation techniques or for improving oil recovery processes in petroleum reservoirs. There are models which aim to predict the behaviour of foam in presence of oil in bulk and in porous media, however these models are not very reliable. In
Foam can be applied to enhance oil recovery from a reservoir. Currently, to understand and model the behavior of foam in an oil reservoir, experiments need to be conducted in the presence of the specific crude oil, and extrapolating from one crude oil to another is not possible.
As foam is injected into an oil reservoir, the region near an injector can become oil-free due to the relatively high capillary number. Foam created in this region encounters oil further out in the reservoir. The impact of oil on foam in porous media is usually investigated by co
Dispersed and solubilized oil can impact bulk foam stability differently. Though aromatic components are more soluble in water than straight-chain aliphatic components, solubilized aromatics do not necessarily impact the stability of foam in bulk or porous media, whereas straight
Dispersed and solubilized oil can impact bulk foam stability differently. Though aromatic components are more soluble in water than straight-chain aliphatic components, solubilized aromatics do not necessarily impact bulk foam stability, whereas straight-chain aliphatic component
Foam can be applied as an Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) process. Foam stability in porous mediadecreases with decreasing surfactant concentration. It is also known that foam collapses belowa “limiting water saturation” in porous media. However, there isn’t a complete theory for the
We report a simulation study of surfactant-alternating-gas (SAG) foam injection into a waterflooded oil reservoir. We show the effects of oil, and of SAG cycle size and number on sweep efficiency, and the longterm impact of a single surfactant slug on the areal sweep efficiency o