Bas Alberts


2 records found

We present a local quasi-geoid (QG) model which combines a satellite-only global gravity model with local data sets using weighted least squares. The QG is computed for an area comprising the Netherlands, Belgium, and the southern North Sea. It uses a two-scale spherical radial b ...
The backbone of the Amsterdam Ordnance Datum (NAP) is a network of about 400 primary subsurface markers. Relative movements between the primary subsurface markers are measured with spirit levelling once in 10-20 years. However, little is known about absolute vertical movements of ...


1 records found

The purpose of this thesis is to do quality assessment of GNSS/IMU derived NAP heights for The Netherlands (NAP) using Fugro RILA technique and the RDNAPTRANS2018 published by Rijkswaterstaat. The use of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is growing rapidly in order to det ...