H. Farahani
23 records found
The current study reports in situ TEM observations of the growth of bainitic ferrite in an Fe-0.3C-3Mn-1.5Si-0.15Mo steel held isothermally at 300 °C with a higher spatio-temporal resolution than in previous studies. Significant variations were found in the lengthening rate, with
The influence of carbon concentration variations on pearlite formation (20 h at 600 °C) in a case-carburized steel is investigated. The resultant microstructure shows three distinct regions: carburized case, a transition region, and the original core. The microstructural transiti
Understanding the local strain enhancement and lattice distortion resulting from different microstructure features in metal alloys is crucial in many engineering processes. The development of heterogeneous strain not only plays an important role in the work hardening of the mater
Controlling the kinetics of austenite decomposition by controlled partitioning of alloying elements, in particular carbon and manganese, is the key factor for optimizing the microstructures of advanced high-strength steels. In this study, a systematic set of computational and exp
We present a local quasi-geoid (QG) model which combines a satellite-only global gravity model with local data sets using weighted least squares. The QG is computed for an area comprising the Netherlands, Belgium, and the southern North Sea. It uses a two-scale spherical radial b
The kinetic behaviour of austenite/ferrite interfaces in a low carbon – 0.5 mass% Mn containing steel during Cyclic Partial Phase Transformation (CPPT) experiments has been investigated using hot stage Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). Individual interfaces were observed to
In this research, in situ high-temperature electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) mapping is applied to record and analyze the migration of the α/3 interfaces during cyclic austenite-ferrite phase transformations in a medium manganese steel. The experimental study is supplemen
Investigating the partitioning effect of substitutional and interstitial elements on the migration of transformation interfaces during austenite-ferrite phase transformation in steels with the conventional experimental method is extremely challenging due to interaction between th
Height system connection between island and mainland using a hydrodynamic model
A case study connecting the Dutch Wadden islands to the Amsterdam ordnance datum (NAP)
We present an efficient and flexible alternative method to connect islands and offshore tide gauges with the height system on land. The method uses a regional, high-resolution hydrodynamic model that provides total water levels. From the model, we obtain the differences in mean w
The posed question arises for instance in regional gravity field modelling using weighted least-squares techniques if the gravity field functionals are synthesised from the spherical harmonic coefficients of a satellite-only global gravity model (GGM), and are used as one of the
Formation of the microstructural ferrite/pearlite bands in medium Mn steels is an undesirable phenomenon commonly addressed through fast cooling treatments. In this study, a novel approach using the cyclic partial phase transformation concept is applied successfully to prevent mi
Predicting the effect of alloying elements on the degree of incomplete austenite to bainite transformation in low carbon steels is of great industrial importance. This study introduces an extended Gibbs energy balance model which makes use of an additive approach to calculate the
Direct microscopic observation of the isothermal bainite evolution in terms of nucleation events, the location of the nuclei, as well as their growth is very valuable for the refinement of models predicting the kinetics of bainite transformation. To this aim, the microstructural
The paper is about a methodology to combine a noisy satellite-only global gravity field model (GGM) with other noisy datasets to estimate a local quasi-geoid model using weighted least-squares techniques. In this way, we attempt to improve the quality of the estimated quasi-geoid
Steels are still, and probably will remain in future, the primary choice for applications as structural materials. This is not only because of the reasonable ratios of properties over production costs, but also owing to the versatile properties realisable via variety of microstru
We assess the surface gravity data requirements for a 5-mm quasi-geoid model for the Netherlands mainland and continental shelf in terms of omission and commission errors. The omission error critically depends on the roughness of the topography and bathymetry. For the Netherlands
GPS data collected by satellite gravity missions can be used for extracting the long-wavelength part of the Earth’s gravity field. We propose a new data processing method which makes use of the ‘average acceleration’ approach to gravity field modelling. In this method, satellite
We study the impact of an accurate computation and incorporation of coloured noise in radar altimeter data when computing a regional quasi-geoid model using least-squares techniques. Our test area comprises the Southern North Sea including the Netherlands, Belgium, and parts of F
We present an improved mascon approach to transform monthly spherical harmonic solutions based on GRACE satellite data into mass anomaly estimates in Greenland. The GRACE-based spherical harmonic coefficients are used to synthesize gravity anomalies at satellite altitude, which a