Alexander V. Grayver

13 records found

The structure of continental intraplate volcanic systems — which occur far from tectonic boundaries, unlike the majority of Earth's volcanism — is enigmatic and not fully understood, as are the underlying mechanisms responsible, due in part to a lack of high-resolution geophysica ...
Electric currents induced in conductive planetary interiors by time-varying magnetospheric and ionospheric current systems have a significant effect on electromagnetic (EM) field observations. Complete characterization of EM induction effects is difficult owing to nonlinear inter ...

Lower crustal low-resistivity zones caused by compaction-induced fluid localization and stagnation

Recent results from electromagnetic data in an intracontinental setting

We investigate how a conceptual hydrodynamic model consisting of fluid localization and stagnation by thermally activated compaction can explain low-resistivity anomalies observed in the lower crust (>20 km depth). Electrical resistivity models, derived from magnetotelluric da ...

An Asthenospheric Upwelling Beneath Central Mongolia

Implications for Intraplate Surface Uplift and Volcanism

Intraplate processes, such as continental surface uplift and intraplate volcanism, are enigmatic and the underlying mechanisms responsible are not fully understood. Central Mongolia is an ideal natural laboratory for studying such processes because of its loca ...
Southern Mongolia is part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, the origin and evolution of which is not fully known and is often debated. It is composed of several east–west trending lithostratigraphic domains that are attributed to an assemblage of accreted terranes or tectonic z ...
Central Mongolia is a prominent region of intracontinental surface deformation and intraplate volcanism. To study these processes, which are poorly understood, we collected magnetotelluric (MT) data in the Hangai and Gobi-Altai region in central Mongolia and derived the first 3-D ...
We present electrical resistivity models, derived from magnetotelluric data, of the crust beneath the Bulnay region, Mongolia. They reveal that the lower crust contains a pattern of discrete zones (width of ~25 km) of low resistivity (<30 Ωm). Such features may be an effect of ...
Central Mongolia is a prominent region of intra-plate volcanism and deformation. To study these processes, many of which are poorly understood, magnetotelluric data was collected in the Hangai and Gobi-Altai region in central Mongolia. The geologic history of this region exhibits ...
The Hangai is an intra-continental mountain range in central Mongolia with unknown orogenesis. Previous seismic and gravitational studies revealed a low velocity/low density anomaly, but the understanding of the uplift process remains vague. Instead, detailed 2-D and 3-D conducti ...
The Bayankhongor Metal Belt passes through the Valley of the Lakes, south-central Mongolia, between the Hangai Dome and the Gobi-Altai Mountains. It is an important region because it is associated with significant mineral occurences, including important sources of gold and copper ...
The Valley of the Lakes, south central Mongolia is located between the uplifted Hangai Dome and the Gobi Altai Mountains , within the Central Asian Orogenic Belt . It includes many interesting features, including t he South Hangai f ault system that represents an ancient suture z ...
The Hangai Dome, Mongolia, is an unusual high-elevation, intra-continental plateau characterized by dispersed, low-volume, intraplate volcanism. Its subsurface structure and its origin remains unexplained, due in part to a lack of high-resolution geophysical data. Magnetotelluric ...