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PK Bos
Academic Work (9)
Abstract (1)
Journal article (8)
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9 records found
Quantitative in vivo CT arthrography of the human osteoarthritic knee to estimate cartilage sulphated glycosaminoglycan content
Correlation with ex-vivo reference standards
Journal article (2016) -
J van Tiel (author)
M Siebelt (author)
H.H. Weinans (author)
H.H. Weinans (author)
Harrie H. Weinans (author)
Harrie H. Weinans (author)
Harry Weinans (author)
Harry Weinans (author)
Harrie Weinans (author)
Harrie Weinans (author)
H. Weinans (author)
H. Weinans (author)
EHG Oei (author)
M Reijman (author)
PK Bos (author)
JH Waarsing (author)
AM Zuurmond (author)
K Nasserinejad (author)
GJVM van Osch (author)
JAN Verhaar (author)
GP Krestin (author)
Is T1ρ mapping an alternative to delayed gadolinium-enhanced MR Imaging of cartilage in the assessment of sulphated glycosaminoglycan content in human osteoarthritic knees?
Journal article (2016) -
J van Tiel (author)
G Kotek (author)
H. Weinans (author)
H. Weinans (author)
H.H. Weinans (author)
H.H. Weinans (author)
Harrie H. Weinans (author)
Harrie H. Weinans (author)
Harrie Weinans (author)
Harrie Weinans (author)
Harry Weinans (author)
Harry Weinans (author)
EHG Oei (author)
M Reijman (author)
PK Bos (author)
E. E. Bron (author)
Esther E. Bron (author)
S. Klein (author)
K Nasserinejad (author)
GJVM Osch (author)
JAN Verhaar (author)
GP Krestin (author)
Mesenchymal stem cells reduce pain but not degenerative changes
Journal article (2014) -
GM van Buul (author)
M Siebelt (author)
MJC Leijs (author)
PK Bos (author)
JH Waarsing (author)
N Kops (author)
Harrie H. Weinans (author)
Harrie H. Weinans (author)
H. Weinans (author)
H. Weinans (author)
H.H. Weinans (author)
H.H. Weinans (author)
Harrie Weinans (author)
Harrie Weinans (author)
Harry Weinans (author)
Harry Weinans (author)
JAN Verhaar (author)
MR Bernsen (author)
GJVM van Osch (author)
Delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of the meniscus (dGEMRIM) in patients with knee osteoarthritis: relation with meniscal degeneration on conventional MRI, reproducibility, and correlation with dGEMRIC
Journal article (2014) -
J van Tiel (author)
G Kotek (author)
M Reijman (author)
PK Bos (author)
E. E. Bron (author)
Esther E. Bron (author)
S. Klein (author)
JAN Verhaar (author)
GP Krestin (author)
Harrie Weinans (author)
Harrie Weinans (author)
H.H. Weinans (author)
H.H. Weinans (author)
H. Weinans (author)
H. Weinans (author)
Harry Weinans (author)
Harry Weinans (author)
Harrie H. Weinans (author)
Harrie H. Weinans (author)
Statistical shape and appearance models for fast and automated estimation of proximal femur fracture load using 2D finite element models
Journal article (2014) -
Nazlı Tumer (author)
N. Tümer (author)
Nazli Tümer (author)
Nazlı Tümer (author)
N. Tumer (author)
Nazli Tumer (author)
JH Waarsing (author)
PK Bos (author)
H. Weinans (author)
Harry Weinans (author)
Harrie H. Weinans (author)
H.H. Weinans (author)
Harrie Weinans (author)
Amir A. Zadpoor (author)
Amir Zadpoor (author)
Amir A. Zadpoor (author)
A.A. Zadpoor (author)
Amir Abbas Zadpoor (author)
Amir A. A. Zadpoor (author)
Amir Abbas A. Zadpoor (author)
A. A. A. Zadpoor (author)
A.A. A. Zadpoor (author)
A. A. Zadpoor (author)
Delayed Gadolinium-Enhanced MRI of Cartilage (dGEMRIC) shows no change in cartilage structural composition after viscosupplementation in patients with early-stage knee osteoarthritis
Journal article (2013) -
J van Tiel (author)
M Reijman (author)
H.H. Weinans (author)
H.H. Weinans (author)
Harrie Weinans (author)
Harrie Weinans (author)
H. Weinans (author)
H. Weinans (author)
Harry Weinans (author)
Harry Weinans (author)
Harrie H. Weinans (author)
Harrie H. Weinans (author)
G Kotek (author)
EHG Oei (author)
PK Bos (author)
J. Hermans (author)
GM van Buul (author)
Esther E. Bron (author)
E. E. Bron (author)
S. Klein (author)
JAN Verhaar (author)
GP Krestin (author)
SMA Bierma-Zeinstra (author)
The relation between quantitative delayed contrast-enhancement in meniscus and cartilage in knee osteoarthritis
Abstract (2013) -
J van Tiel (author)
Esther E. Bron (author)
E. E. Bron (author)
EH Oei (author)
PK Bos (author)
S. Klein (author)
M Reijman (author)
JA Verhaar (author)
GP Krestin (author)
SMA Bierma-Zeinstra (author)
Harry Weinans (author)
Harry Weinans (author)
H. Weinans (author)
H. Weinans (author)
Harrie H. Weinans (author)
Harrie H. Weinans (author)
H.H. Weinans (author)
H.H. Weinans (author)
Harrie Weinans (author)
Harrie Weinans (author)
G Kotek (author)
Reproducibility of 3D delayed gadolinium enhanced MRI of cartilage (dGEMRIC) of the knee at 3.0 T in patients with early stage osteoarthritis
Journal article (2013) -
J van Tiel (author)
Esther E. Bron (author)
E. E. Bron (author)
EHG Oei (author)
CJ Tiderius (author)
PK Bos (author)
M Reijman (author)
S. Klein (author)
JAN Verhaar (author)
GP Krestin (author)
H.H. Weinans (author)
H.H. Weinans (author)
Harry Weinans (author)
Harry Weinans (author)
H. Weinans (author)
H. Weinans (author)
Harrie Weinans (author)
Harrie Weinans (author)
Harrie H. Weinans (author)
Harrie H. Weinans (author)
G Kotek (author)
Clinically Translatable Cell Tracking and Quantification by MRI in Cartilage Repair Using Superparamagnetic Iron Oxides
Journal article (2011) -
GM Buul van (author)
J Kotek (author)
GJVM Osch (author)
MR Bernsen (author)
PA Wielopolski (author)
E Farrell (author)
PK Bos (author)
H.H. Weinans (author)
Harry Weinans (author)
Harrie H. Weinans (author)
Harrie Weinans (author)
H. Weinans (author)
AU Grohnert (author)
H. Jahr (author)
H Jahr (author)
JAN Verhaar (author)
GP Krestin (author)