Yang Chen

6 records found



A Deep Learning Approach to Unveil Outstanding Users Ranking with Public Attainable Features

Outstanding users (OUs) denote the influential, 'core' or 'bridge' users in online social networks. How to accurately detect and rank them is an important problem for third-party online service providers and researchers. Conventional efforts, ranging from early graph-based algori ...

The red afterglow of current rare-earth-activated long persistent luminescence (LPL) phosphors is largely still less than 6 h, in contrast to the 20 or 30 h long blue- or green-emitting ones, becoming the main obstacle to realize their multiscenario applications in practice. H ...


Shining a light on material appearance

Mapping NDFs to heightfields

This research proposes a new algorithm for mapping Normal Distribution Functions to Heightfields in order to answer its research question: ”Given an NDF, how can we generate a corresponding Heightfield using simple optimization algorithms?”. This research is important, as it help ...
Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Functions, BRDFs, describe the reflectance of light on a ma-terial, and are widely used in computer graphics to render materials. Acquiring a full measured BRDF can be costly and time consuming, so this research aims to answer the question ” ...

Soft Peaks

The effects of smoothing on ray reflections

The micro detail on surfaces can have a profound effect on how rays bounce of it. In ray tracing, this micro-surface is normally approximated with statistical models. We wish to figure out what the effect of normal interpolation and Phong tessellation is on how rays reflect on th ...
Creating photorealistic images is one of the ultimate goals of computer graphics. Previous work has shown that a material's microstructure plays a crucial role when trying to achieve photorealism. This is because a material's appearance depends on the roughness of its microstruc ...