
8 records found

Automatic Assessments of Code Explanations

Predicting Answering Times on Stack Overflow

Users of Question & Answer websites often include code fragments in their questions. However, large and unexplained code fragments make it harder for others to understand the question, thus possibly impacting the time required to obtain a correct answer. In this paper, we quantit ...
Web3 is emerging as the new Internet-interaction model that facilitates direct collaboration between strangers without a need for prior trust between network participants and without central authorities. However, one of its shortcomings is the lack of a defense mechanism against ...
The digital world is evolving toward representing - and serving the interconnection of - natural persons. Instead of depending on the intrastructure of Big Tech companies and governments, users can cooperate and use their hardware to form public infrastructure. Instead of existin ...
Digital identity is unsolved: after many years of research there is still no trusted communication over the Internet. To provide identity within the context of mutual distrust, this paper presents a blockchain-based digital identity solution. Without depending upon a single trust ...
Web3 networks are emerging to replace centrally-governed networking infrastructure. The integrity of the shared public infrastructure of Web3 networks is guaranteed through data sharing between nodes. However, due to the unstructured and highly partitioned nature of Web3 networks ...
Successful classification of good or bad behavior in the digital domain is limited to central governance, as can be seen with trading platforms, search engines and news feeds. We explore and consolidate existing work on decentralized reputation systems to form a common denominato ...
Existing digital identity management systems fail to deliver the desirable properties of control by the users of their own identity data, credibility of disclosed identity data, and network-level anonymity. The recently proposed Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) approach promises to ...