V. Caprara Vivoli
5 records found
Generating entanglement in a distributed scenario is a fundamental task for implementing the quantum network of the future. We here report a protocol that uses only linear optics for generating Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states with high fidelities in a nearby node configuration
Quantum key distribution allows for the generation of a secret key between distant parties connected by a quantum channel such as optical fibre or free space. Unfortunately, the rate of generation of a secret key by direct transmission is fundamentally limited by the distance. Th
Device-independent quantum key distribution (DI-QKD) represents one of the most fascinating challenges in quantum communication, exploiting concepts of fundamental physics, namely Bell tests of nonlocality, to ensure the security of a communication link. This requires the loophol
We experimentally studied heralded photon amplification for path entangled states and characterise entanglement before and after loss by exploiting displacement-based measurements. We demonstrate the recovery of high fidelity entangled states over lossequivalent distances > 50
Tremendous progress has been realized in quantum optics for engineering and detecting the quantum properties of light. Today, photon pairs are routinely created in entangled states. Entanglement is revealed using single-photon detectors in which a single photon triggers an avalan