K.D. Goodenough
10 records found
Noisy hardware forms one of the main hurdles to the realization of a near-term quantum internet. Distillation protocols allows one to overcome this noise at the cost of an increased overhead. We consider here an experimentally relevant class of distillation protocols, which disti
The research presented in this thesis focused on the problem of entanglement distribution. Simply put, the two main problems facing (practical) implementation of entanglement distribution over quantum networks are loss and noise. Quantum repeaters are meant to overcome the effect
Entanglement distillation is an essential building block in quantum communication protocols. Here, we study the class of near-term implementable distillation protocols that use bilocal Clifford operations followed by a single round of communication. We introduce tools to enumerat
The rate at which quantum communication tasks can be performed using direct transmission is fundamentally hindered by the channel loss. Quantum repeaters allow one, in principle, to overcome these limitations, but their introduction necessarily adds an additional layer of complex
Near-term quantum-repeater experiments with nitrogen-vacancy centers
Overcoming the limitations of direct transmission
Quantum channels enable the implementation of communication tasks inaccessible to their classical counterparts. The most famous example is the distribution of secret key. However, in the absence of quantum repeaters, the rate at which these tasks can be performed is dictated by t
Quantum key distribution allows for the generation of a secret key between distant parties connected by a quantum channel such as optical fibre or free space. Unfortunately, the rate of generation of a secret key by direct transmission is fundamentally limited by the distance. Th
Werner states have a host of interesting properties, which often serve to illuminate the unusual properties of quantum information. Starting from these states, one may define a family of quantum channels, known as the Holevo-Werner channels, which themselves afford several unusua
One of the most sought-after goals in experimental quantum communication is the implementation of a quantum repeater. The performance of quantum repeaters can be assessed by comparing the attained rate with the quantum and private capacity of direct transmission, assisted by unli
Loophole-free Bell test using electron spins in diamond
Second experiment and additional analysis
The recently reported violation of a Bell inequality using entangled electronic spins in diamonds (Hensen et al., Nature 526, 682–686) provided the first loophole-free evidence against local-realist theories of nature. Here we report on data from a second Bell experiment using th
Classical realism demands that system properties exist independently of whether they are measured, while noncontextuality demands that the results of measurements do not depend on what other measurements are performed in conjunction with them. The Bell–Kochen–Specker theorem stat