M Markham


20 records found

Loophole-free Bell test using electron spins in diamond

Second experiment and additional analysis

The recently reported violation of a Bell inequality using entangled electronic spins in diamonds (Hensen et al., Nature 526, 682–686) provided the first loophole-free evidence against local-realist theories of nature. Here we report on data from a second Bell experiment using th ...
Reliable quantum information processing in the face of errors is a major fundamental and technological challenge. Quantum error correction protects quantum states by encoding a logical quantum bit (qubit) in multiple physical qubits. To be compatible with universal fault-tolerant ...
Repeated observations inhibit the coherent evolution of quantum states through the quantum Zeno effect. In multi-qubit systems this effect provides opportunities to control complex quantum states. Here, we experimentally demonstrate that repeatedly projecting joint observables of ...
The realization of a network of quantum registers is an outstanding challenge in quantum science and technology. We experimentally investigate a network node that consists of a single nitrogen-vacancy center electronic spin hyperfine coupled to nearby nuclear spins. We demonstrat ...
The impact of future quantum networks hinges on high-quality quantum entanglement shared between network nodes. Unavoidable imperfections necessitate a means to improve remote entanglement by local quantum operations. We realize entanglement distillation on a quantum network prim ...
Solid-state spin qubits is a promising platform for quantum computation and quantum networks1,2. Recent experiments have demonstrated high-quality control over multi-qubit systems3–8, elementary quantum algorithms8–11 and non-fault-tolerant error correction12–14. Large-scale syst ...
Spins associated to optically accessible solid-state defects have emerged as a versatile platform for exploring quantum simulation, quantum sensing and quantum communication. Pioneering experiments have shown the sensing, imaging, and control of multiple nuclear spins surrounding ...
A promising approach for multi-qubit quantum registers is to use optically addressable spins to control multiple dark electron-spin defects in the environment. While recent experiments have observed signatures of coherent interactions with such dark spins, it is an open challenge ...
Understanding and protecting the coherence of individual quantum systems is a central challenge in quantum science and technology. Over the past decades, a rich variety of methods to extend coherence have been developed. A complementary approach is to look for naturally occurring ...
Single electron spins coupled to multiple nuclear spins provide promising multi-qubit registers for quantum sensing and quantum networks. The obtainable level of control is determined by how well the electron spin can be selectively coupled to, and decoupled from, the surrounding ...
Large-scale quantum networks promise to enable secure communication, distributed quantum computing, enhanced sensing and fundamental tests of quantum mechanics through the distribution of entanglement across nodes 1-7. Moving beyond current two-node networks 8-13 requires the rat ...
Spins associated with single defects in solids provide promising qubits for quantum-information processing and quantum networks. Recent experiments have demonstrated long coherence times, high-fidelity operations, and long-range entanglement. However, control has so far been limi ...
The discrete time crystal (DTC) is a nonequilibrium phase of matter that spontaneously breaks timetranslation symmetry. Disorder-induced many-body localization can stabilize the DTC phase by breaking ergodicity and preventing thermalization. Here, we observe the hallmark signatur ...
The discrete time crystal (DTC) is a nonequilibrium phase of matter that spontaneously breaks timetranslation symmetry. Disorder-induced many-body localization can stabilize the DTC phase by breaking ergodicity and preventing thermalization. Here, we observe the hallmark signatur ...
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a powerful method for determining the structure of molecules and proteins1. Whereas conventional NMR requires averaging over large ensembles, recent progress with single-spin quantum sensors2–9 has created the prospect of magnetic imaging of in ...