
4 records found

Loophole-free Bell test using electron spins in diamond

Second experiment and additional analysis

The recently reported violation of a Bell inequality using entangled electronic spins in diamonds (Hensen et al., Nature 526, 682–686) provided the first loophole-free evidence against local-realist theories of nature. Here we report on data from a second Bell experiment using th ...

Quantum internet

A vision for the road ahead

The internet-a vast network that enables simultaneous long-range classical communication-has had a revolutionary impact on our world. The vision of a quantum internet is to fundamentally enhance internet technology by enabling quantum communication between any two points on Earth ...

Near-term quantum-repeater experiments with nitrogen-vacancy centers

Overcoming the limitations of direct transmission

Quantum channels enable the implementation of communication tasks inaccessible to their classical counterparts. The most famous example is the distribution of secret key. However, in the absence of quantum repeaters, the rate at which these tasks can be performed is dictated by t ...

Quantum internet

The internet's next big step

Emerging quantum technologies will impact industry and society at large, but how and to what extent we do not know yet. That is why a TU Delft Quantum Vision team set about exploring this impact, with a special focus on quantum internet as the first technology that is likely to b ...


16 records found

Integrated entangling gates

Creating GHZ States for Stabilizer Measurements in Distributed Quantum Computing

High fidelity GHZ states among remote nodes is a precious commodity which can allow for non-local stabilizer measurements and thus pave the way for a modular fault-tolerant quantum computer. To this end, we extend the high fidelity intracavity gate introduced by Borregaard et al. ...

Inequalities and Quantum Entanglement

From the Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality to Non-linear Entanglement Witnesses

In this thesis, two topics are studied: mathematical inequalities and non-linear quantum entanglement witnesses. First, various inequalities, like the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality (on finite dimensional vector spaces) and Jensen's inequality, along with their extensions and general ...

Quantum Error Correction

Decoders for the Toric Code

Quantum error correction is needed for future quantum computers. Classical error correcting codes are not suitable for this due to the nature of quantum mechanics. Therefore, new codes need to be developed. A promising candidate is the toric code, a surface code, because of its l ...
This document describes the design process the prototype of a measurement light bulb which is able to project spherical harmonics of orders 0-1-2. Photographs of these projections can be combined to represent many light distributions. The measurement light bulb can be used in the ...

Integration and Collaboration in the Development of Quantum Technology

Development of the Physical Layer of a Quantum Network Stack integrated with the Link Layer - A Vision on University-Industry Collaborations in the Field of Quantum Technology Development

Throughout the work, the goal was to develop the physical layer of a quantum network stack. The layer of the network stack connected to the physical layer is the link layer. For entanglement-based quantum networks, we demonstrated the successful operation of a link layer and a ph ...
With this thesis project, we improve the classical simulation of quantum computers using stabilizers in the GSLC formalism. We do this in two ways: we present new algorithms that speed up their simulation and extend their applicability by defining new operations and subroutines f ...
Quantum computing is a promising means of satisfying the ever-increasing need for more and faster computations. While some specific applications can already benefit from quantum computing today, a large-scale general-purpose quantum computer is yet to be developed. Many different ...
The world of quantum computing is still quickly developing and growing as it is searching for the best technology to implement quantum bits. One of these technologies is a diamond-based quantum computer using nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers. In order to sustain the mentioned growth ...
Building a working quantum computer brings many challenges to overcome. For quanum processors, promising qubits seem to be NV-centres in diamond. Such processor is divided into processing units (PUs), each comprising an NV-centre with several carbon spin qubits, and they are inte ...
Topos theory and quantum mechanics are both known for having a logic that is different from ordinary logic. With this in mind, much work has been done on unifying these two fields. Loveridge, Dridi and Raussendorf apply this unification to measurement-based quantum computation [1 ...
In this project, quantum cloning machines are analyzed that take in N quantum systems in the same unknown pure state and output M quantum systems with M > N, such that the output best resembles the ideal, but impossible output of an M-fold tensor product of the pure input state. ...
There are still great hurdles to overcome in the construction of a practical quantum computer. Most significantly, there is still great need for less noisy operation devices and the ability to scale the computer into hundreds or thousands of qubits. In this work we study a approa ...
In the field of quantum information theory, it is well-known that the purely quantum phenomenon called quantum entanglement can boost the capacity of a quantum channel, which is called the superadditivity of the capacity. Shor showed in his breakthrough paper on the equivalence o ...
A network of devices capable of transmitting quantum information called a quantum network has promising applications with vast benefits. One of the most near term achievable application is the quantum key distribution. It could be used for sharing a secret key between two end-use ...
The first part of this thesis provides a mathematical description for bipartite quantum correlations, aiming to analyze the geometry of several sets of correlations. We explain why quantum entanglement can be used to simulate shared randomness: Cloc(Γ) ⊆ Cqd(Γ) for a sufficiently ...
This report reviews two quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols: the BB84 protocol and the measurement device independent (MDI) QKD protocol. The goal of this report is to recreate the security proof of the BB84 protocol, to generate the secret key rate for a practical applicati ...