R. Elgendy
6 records found
Integrated home renovation services as a means to boost energy renovations for homeowner associations
A comparative analysis of service providers’ business models
Across the European Union (EU), approximately 46% of the population resides in apartment buildings. A majority of these buildings are in need of energy renovation and are managed by Homeowner associations (HOAs). HOAs face distinct challenges in renovating their buildings. Integr
Activating business models for condominium renovations
Identification of viable business models for Integrated Home Renovation Services for condominiums in the Netherlands and Flanders D2.2
The need for energy efficient buildings has become increasingly important in climate change mitigation. Almost 75% of the building stock in Europe is energy inefficient. Residential buildings are responsible for 27% of the total energy consumption in Europe. Integrated home renov
Buildings in the EU consume around 40 % of energy and are responsible for 36 % of greenhouse gas emissions. This necessitates building energy renovations as a coping strategy for energy reduction. Residential buildings consume about 27 % of the energy use in Europe. Multifamily r
CondoReno examines effective ways for municipalities among other stakeholders to support energy renovations in condominiums. The roles, challenges, and potential of seven municipalities in the Netherlands and Flanders were analysed to explore how they can optimise business models
Stakeholders voor de ontwikkeling van geïntegreerde woningrenovatiediensten voor VvE’s
Verklaringen gezamenlijke ontwikkeling van bedrijfsmodellen - Nederland
De VvE-versnellingsagenda wil de verduurzaming van Verenigingen van Eigenaars (VvE’s) stimuleren door besluitvorming aan te passen, het renovatietraject te vereenvoudigen en financiële ondersteuning te bieden aan VvE’s. Het LIFE-project CondoReno omarmt deze visie en streeft bove
Typologies of Business Models of Integrated Home Renovation Services
Accelerating Energy Efficient Renovations for Homeowners Associations in The Low Countries and France
The need for energy efficient buildings has become increasingly important in the context of climate change mitigation. Across the European Union (EU), 41,2% of the population resides in multiple ownership apartment buildings with figures rising in some countries as high as 65%. A