M. Bonci

6 records found

What it is Broaching-to? When it can occur? What can happen if it happens? What is known about it? How it can be investigated further? Practical ways to prevent it in design and in operation@en
The coupling between heel and the loads in the horizontal plane is usually neglected in manoeuvrability studies. However, the heel–sway and heel–yaw coupling can play an important role in potentially unsafe conditions, such as in a following sea. In these conditions, small fast v ...
Broaching-to is a highly complex, non-linear dynamic instability event that several vessels might face when sailing in the same direction of the waves, for example when returning to port during a storm. This condition is referred to as following sea. Vessels such high-speed craft ...
Small high-speed craft are the most vulnerable to the severity of the sea: achieving a design which pairs good performance and acceptable levels of safety is not a trivial task. The seakeeping and manoeuvrability of these vessels play a crucial role in following sea conditions: d ...
The manoeuvring characteristics of high speed craft are greatly influenced by the hydrodynamic loads generated by the asymmetrical underwater hull shape when the vessel heels. In order to provide an insight into this aspect of the manoeuvring of high speed craft, captive model ex ...
In order to provide an insight into the manoeuvring of high speed crafts, an experimental study was undertaken at the towing tank of Delft University of Technology, using a rescue vessel of the Royal Netherlands Sea Rescue Institution (KNRM). @en