Dean Brady

6 records found

In the movement to decarbonize our economy and move away from fossil fuels we will need to harness the waste products of our activities, such as waste lignocellulose, methane, and carbon dioxide. Our wastes need to be integrated into a circular economy where used products are rec ...
In this Perspective we show how an expansion of the scope and impact of biocatalysis in industrial organic synthesis is enabled by streamlining the underpinning biocatalyst and bioprocess engineering. We begin by discussing how the underlying need for waste reduction and high (en ...

New frontiers in enzyme immobilisation

Robust biocatalysts for a circular bio-based economy

This tutorial review focuses on recent advances in technologies for enzyme immobilisation, enabling their cost-effective use in the bio-based economy and continuous processing in general. The application of enzymes, particularly in aqueous media, is generally on a single use, thr ...

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Biocatalysis

Recent Advances in the Use of Enzymes in Organic Synthesis

Enzymes are excellent catalysts that are increasingly being used in industry and academia. This perspectiveis primarily aimed at synthetic organic chemists with limited experience using enzymes and providesa general and practical guide to enzymes and their synthetic potential, wi ...
This Review is aimed at synthetic organic chemists who may be familiar with organometallic catalysis but have no experience with biocatalysis, and seeks to provide an answer to the perennial question: if it is so attractive, why wasn't it extensively used in the past? The develop ...

The limits to biocatalysis

Pushing the envelope

In the period 1985 to 1995 applications of biocatalysis, driven by the need for more sustainable manufacture of chemicals and catalytic, (enantio)selective methods for the synthesis of pharmaceutical intermediates, largely involved the available hydrolases. This was followed, in ...