Stelios Papadakis
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During the last few years, electric power systems have undergone a widespread shift from conventional fossil-based generation toward renewable energy-based generation. Variable speed wind generators utilizing full-scale power electronics converters are becoming the preferred technology among other types of renewable-based generation, due to the high flexibility to implement different control functions that can support the stabilization of electrical power systems. This paper presents a fundamental study on the enhancement of transient stability in electrical power systems with increasing high share (i.e., above 50%) of power electronic interfaced generation. The wind generator type IV is taken as a representative form of power electronic interfaced generation, and the goal is to investigate how to mitigate the magnitude of the first swing while enhancing the damping of rotor angle oscillations triggered by major electrical disturbances. To perform such mitigation, this paper proposes a power-angle modulation (PAM) controller to adjust the post-fault active power response of the wind generator type IV, after a large disturbance occurs in the system. Based on a small size system, the PAM concept is introduced. The study is performed upon time-domain simulations and analytical formulations of the power transfer equations. Additionally, the IEEE 9 BUS system and the test model of Great Britain's system are used to further investigate the performance of the PAM controller in a multi-machine context, as well as to perform a comparative assessment of the effect of different fault locations, and the necessary wind generators that should be equipped with PAM controllers.
@enThe decommissioning of synchronous generators, and their replacement by decoupled renewable power plants, has a significant impact on the transient stability performance of a power system. This paper concerns with an investigation of the degree of transient stability enhancement that can be achieved in power systems with high shares (e.g., around 75%) of wind generation. It is considered that the wind generators can work either under the principle of current control or under the principle of fast local voltage control. In both cases, a power–angle modulation (PAM) controller is superimposed on the current control loops of the grid side converters of the wind generators. The investigation of the degree of enhancement takes into account different approaches of the tuning of PAM. It considers a simple approach in the form of parametric sensitivity, and also a sophisticated approach in the form of a formal optimization problem. Besides, the paper gives insight on what is a suitable objective function of the optimization problem, which entails the best performance of PAM. The whole investigation is conducted based on a synthetic model of the Great Britain (GB) system