J.L. Rueda Torres
215 records found
Wide-Area Monitoring Protection and Control Supported Operation and Planning in the Ecuadorian Power System
Improving Security and Reliability
The "Wide-Area" Concept
Diverse Energy Transition Challenges [Guest Editorial]
The increasing deployment of offshore wind farms necessitates robust and stable high-voltage direct current networks. Achieving optimal stability, especially in damping oscillations on the DC side, remains a significant challenge. This study focuses on mitigating post-fault converter de-blocking oscillations, a critical issue exacerbated by complex interactions between AC and DC systems, converter dynamics, and system faults. These behavior are governed by nonlinear system dynamics, making traditional control methods less effective in ensuring stability. A comprehensive analysis of DC side oscillations and their interaction with converter dynamics is developed to understand the key factors influencing system stability. The research investigates a DC voltage regulation damping approach, identified as the most effective solution in the literature. Comprehensive parametric sensitivity analysis evaluates system behavior under diverse operational conditions. Addressing current damping method limitations during converter de-blocking, this work proposes an innovative control approach integrating fuzzy logic control and proportional–integral controllers. This approach enhances DC voltage regulation and incorporates a modified circulating current suppression control in the inner loop. The coordinated fuzzy logic control and proportional–integral controller dynamically adjusts to nonlinear system dynamics in real-time, providing a robust framework for improved post-fault recovery. It aims to achieve faster recovery times and reduced overshoot compared to conventional methods. The proposed controller's efficacy is validated through comparative analysis with existing approaches. Electromagnetic transient) simulations using the real-time digital simulator platform demonstrate the controller's performance under realistic operating conditions.
@enThis work seeks to reduce the severity of congestion in the medium voltage (MV) cyber-physical systems (CPES) by optimising the network topology in line with seasonal variations in the supply and demand of electricity. To this aim a two-stage reconfiguration algorithm is proposed. In the first stage, the positions of the normally open switches within the network are optimised in to adjust the power flow therein. These optimised positions are subsequently used in the second stage to calculate the network variables. The first stage is implemented as a mixed-integer linear program (MILP) optimisation in Python, whereas the second stage consists of a Newton-Raphson calculation in DIgSILENT PowerFactory software package. The benefit of network reconfiguration is that it is a short-term and low-cost solution which can be implemented by a distribution system operator (DSO) without relying on other external parties. The presented case study addresses the need of seasonal reconfigurations to accommodate for the manual operation of the switches present within a synthetic model of MV CPES, which is implemented inspired from CPES in the Netherlands. The application of the algorithm significantly reduces the frequency by which reconfiguration actions can be performed. Furthermore, the algorithm is able to consistently reduce congestion within the analysed synthetic CPES, completely removing it or reducing its severity. It also outperforms two alternative optimisation options implemented in PowerFactory with regard to the objective function value. Those being an iterative exploration of meshes and a genetic algorithm.
@enElectrical power systems are witnessing a paradigm shift from traditional synchronous generators towards an in-creased integration of power electronic interfaced (PEl) generation. As the global community leans towards renewables, ensuring grid stability during this transformation becomes paramount. This paper presents a fundamental study of oscillatory stability dynamics for three emerging grid-forming converter controller topologies: Virtual Synchronous Machine (VSM), droop control, and the Synchroverter, in comparison to conventional syn-chronous generation. Utilizing the two area 4 generator (2A4G) system for analysis, the research underscores the significance of converter integration, proximity-based enhancements in damping capabilities, and the delicate equilibrium in parameter tuning for optimal stability. The results pave the way for informed decision-making in grid development and renewable energy com-prehension, highlighting the potential of grid-forming converter controllers in steering a sustainable energy future.
@enPower system operators require advanced applications in the control centers to tackle increasingly variable power transfers effectively. One urgently needed application concerns estimating the feasible available aggregated flexibility from a power system network, which can be effectively deployed to mitigate issues in interconnected networks. This paper proposes the TensorConvolution+ algorithm to address the above application. Unlike related literature approaches, TensorConvolution+ estimates the density of feasible flexibility combinations to reach a new operating point within the p-q flexibility area. This density can improve the decision-making of system operators for efficient and safe flexibility deployment. The proposed algorithm applies to radial and meshed networks, is adaptable to new operational conditions, and can consider scenarios with disconnected flexibility areas. Using convolutions and tensors, the algorithm efficiently aggregates the combinations of flexibility providers' adjustable power output that can occur for each flexibility area set point. Simulations on the meshed Oberrhein and radial CIGRE test networks illustrate the effectiveness of TensorConvolution+ for flexibility estimation with high numerical confidence and a minor computing effort. Additional simulations highlight how system operators can interpret the estimated density of feasible flexibility combinations for decision-making purposes, the algorithm's capability to estimate disconnected flexibility areas, and adapt to new operating conditions.
@enCascading failures in power systems are extremely rare occurrences caused by a combination of multiple, low probability events. The looming threat of cyberattacks on power grids, however, may result in unprecedented large-scale cascading failures, leading to a blackout. Therefore, new analysis methods are needed to study such cyber induced phenomena. In this article, we propose a data-driven method for dynamical analysis of power system cascading failures caused by cyberattacks. We provide experimental proof on how attacks may accelerate the cascading failure mechanism, in comparison to historically observed blackouts. Using a dynamic power grid model, consisting of multiple, coordinated protection schemes, we define and analyze the point of no return in a cascading failure sequence by applying the Hilbert-Huang transform for time-frequency analysis. Numerical results indicate, cyberattacks may accelerate cascading failures at least by a factor of 3x. This is due to the excitation and non-damping of multiple frequency modes greater than 1 Hz in a short time span. The proposed method is tested using time domain simulations conducted through a modified IEEE 39-bus test system, which can simulate cascading outages using coordinated protection schemes.
@enOne crucial aspect of Modular Multi-level Converter (MMC)- Bipolar Point-to-Point (BPP) configuration systems is the occurrence and damping of oscillations on the DC side of HVDC networks. These oscillations can arise due to various factors, including the interaction between the AC and DC systems, de-blocking of converters after a fault, and the dynamic behaviour of connected power sources. Various investigations consider damping methods that delve to mitigate oscillatory tendencies and establish stability during Post-Fault (PF) recovery. However, the current research on damping predominantly focus on the impact of AC fault or unbalanced conditions on the DC side. This paper presents an investigation that addresses the gap concerning with sub-synchronous oscillations occurring during the de-blocking of a MMC-BPP within the post-DC fault recovery. The investigation also considers active damping and enhanced current control loop as a combined mitigation measure. A meticulous real-time digital simulation supported parametric sensitivity analysis is conducted on a four-terminal MMC-BPP synthetic power system. Numerical results provide insight into the level of effectiveness that can be achieved by the considered concept of active damping.
@enThis paper is a step forward in the effort to create an appropriate open-access library of benchmark test systems for offline and real-time simulations. The library will consist of 13 test systems for steady-state and dynamic power system analysis considering different relevant features (topology, control mode and element details). In this scientific paper, the authors selected one of the test systems, the 5-bus test transmission system, in meshed topology. Details of its implementation using several power system analysis platforms for offline and online/real-time simulation. Offline steady-state performance results are presented using PowerWorld, DIgSILENT PowerFactory and IPSA. Plots of the main electromechanical variables of the time-domain response considering a generator outage are presented using offline simulations from PowerFactory and real-time simulation ePHASORSIM. Simulation results show very minimal discrepancies between the results considering different platforms.
@enCyber-Physical Testbed Co-simulation Real-Time
Normal and Abnormal System Frequency Response
Future carbon-neutral power systems impose many challenges; one is the urgent need for a simulation platform that allows replicating the complex systems’ actual dynamic performance. This paper shows the results of implementing a cyber-physical testbed co-simulation in real-time to analyse the system frequency response considering primary frequency control and emergency frequency control: under-frequency load-shedding (UFLS) protection schemes. The proposed testbed uses a physical layer of two real-time simulators from different vendors in a closed loop, Opal-RT OP4510 and Typhoon HIL 604, being the first simulator for test system modelling and the remainder used to implement the UFLS protection scheme. Two connections of the real-time simulators are considered: physical connection using wires to exchange analogue signals and cybernetic digital communication using ANSI C37.118 communication protocol. The cybernetic layer of the testbed models a test system, controls the real-time simulation, and implements digital communication between the simulators. A modified version of the P.M. Anderson 9-bus systems is used for testing purposes, including phasor measurement units (PMUs). Results of the real-time simulation show the appropriate performance of the proposed testbed.
@enThe increasing integration of distributed energy resources such as photovoltaic (PV) systems into distribution networks introduces intermittent and variable power, leading to high voltage fluctuations. High PV integration can also result in increased terminal voltage of the network during periods of high PV generation and low load consumption. These problems can be solved by optimal utilization of the reactive power capability of a smart inverter. However, solving the optimization problem using a detailed mathematical model of the distribution network may be time-consuming. Due to this, the optimization process may not be fast enough to incorporate this rapid fluctuation when implemented in real-time optimization. To address these issues, this paper proposes a co-simulation-based optimization approach for optimal reactive power control in smart inverters. By utilizing co-simulation, the need for detailed mathematical modeling of the power flow equation of the distribution network in the optimization model is eliminated, thereby enabling faster optimization. This paper compares three optimization algorithms (improved harmony search, simplicial homology global optimization, and differential evolution) using models developed in OpenDSS and DigSilent PowerFactory. The results demonstrate the suitability of the proposed co-simulation-based optimization for obtaining optimal setpoints for reactive power control, minimizing total power loss in distribution networks with high PV integration. This research paper contributes to efficient and practical solutions for modeling optimal control problems in future distribution networks.