36 records found


Future City Visions. The Energy Transition Towards Carbon-Neutrality

Lessons Learned from the Case of Roeselare, Belgium

As climate change develops, with most of the world population living in urban areas, decarbonisation of cities is among the greatest challenges of the coming decades. In the framework of the EU City-zen project, a number of so-called Roadshows has been organised in ten cities wit ...

Designing the Future to Predict the Future

An ‘urban-first’ approach to co-creating zero-carbon neighbourhoods

The natural ecotone between people, community and carbon reduction is the zero-carbon community. Over recent decades, the design of zero-carbon communities has focussed too greatly on carbon emissions and not enough on building communities. Anthropogenic climate change is a human ...

Proof of the Pudding

Applying the City-Zen Methodology to Other European Cities.

Back in 2012, a group of enthusiasts submitted a project proposal to the EU. Many talks, partner proposals, and city explorations later, City-zen was granted EU-funding “to develop and demonstrate energy efficient cities and to build a methodology and tools for cities, industries ...

City-zen: New Urban Energy

Amersfoort 'City-zen Roadshow' REPORT

The City-zen Roadshow travels with a team of internationally recognized experts, in the field of energy planning and design to help develop a sustainable agenda for cities and their neighbourhoods. The overall aim of the Roadshow team is to work closely with people from the hosti ...

City-zen: New Urban Energy

Preston 'City-zen Roadshow' REPORT

The Roadshow travels with a team of internationally recognized experts, in the field of energy planning and design to help develop a sustainable agenda for cities and their neighbourhoods. The overall aim of the Roadshow team is towork closely with people from the hosting city, w ...

City-zen: New Urban Energy

Nicosia 'City-zen Roadshow' REPORT

The City-zen Roadshow travels with a team of internationally recognized experts, in the field of energy planning and design to help develop a sustainable agenda for cities and their neighbourhoods. The Roadshow visited 9 cities in total over a 5-year period who sort expert guidan ...

Roadshow Amersfoort

Promotional stakeholder engagement film

To create energy-neutral cities, we need to fundamentally change how we live in our cities. The City-zen Roadshow helps to understand that it is necessary to look at sustainability from both a technological and a societal perspective. The tenth Roadshow, organised in Amersfoort, ...

Urban Energy Masterplanning

Approaches, Strategies, and Methods for the Energy Transition in Cities

Many cities across the world have the ambition of becoming carbon neutral, but exact figures of progress toward that goal are limited. Regarding Europe’s not overly ambitious 2020 carbon emission targets, many countries still have a long way to go (see Fig. 1), with cities as the ...

Quantification of the impact of the built environment

Project City-zen and HEREVEA as teaching tools

Several strategies are presented to teach university students and professionals in the sector how to reduce the environmental impact of our cities. First, the European City-zen project is summarized and its application to the city of Seville, more specifically to Tiro de Linea, a ...

From Problems to Potentials

The Urban Energy Transition of Gruž, Dubrovnik

IIn the challenge for a sustainable society, carbon-neutrality is a critical objective for all cities in the coming decades. In the EU City-zen project, academic partners collaborate to develop an urban energy transition methodology, which supports cities in making the energy tra ...

City-zen: New Urban Energy

Roeselare 'City-zen Roadshow' REPORT

The City-zen Roadshow travels with a team of internationally recognized experts, in the field of energy planning and design to help develop a sustainable agenda for cities and their neighbourhoods. It will visit 9 cities in total over a 5-year period who are seeking expert guidan ...
A method of greenhouse gas inventory has been developed for evaluating the environmental implications of civilian life, in terms of carbon emission, according to citizens' behaviour and to the condition of buildings, local infrastructures and services. The assessment focuses on e ...

City-zen: New Urban Energy

Menorca 'City-zen Roadshow' REPORT

The City-zen Roadshow travels with a team of internationally recognized experts, in the field of energy planning and design to help develop a sustainable agenda for cities and their neighbourhoods. The Roadshow team work closely with people from the hosting city, whether they be ...

City-zen: New Urban Energy

Sevilla 'City-zen Roadshow' REPORT

The City-zen Roadshow travels with a team of internationally recognized experts, in the field of energy planning and design to help develop a sustainable agenda for cities and their neighbourhoods. The Roadshow team work closely with people from the hosting city, whether they be ...

City-zen: New Urban Energy

Izmir 'City-zen Roadshow' REPORT

The City-zen Roadshow travels with a team of internationally recognized experts, in the field of energyplanning and design to help develop a sustainable agenda for cities and their neighbourhoods. It will visit 9 cities in total over a 5-year period who are seeking expert guidanc ...

City-zen: New Urban Energy

Dubrovnik 'City-zen Roadshow' REPORT

The City-zen Roadshow travels with a team of internationally recognized experts, in the field of energy planning and design to help develop a sustainable agenda for cities and their neighbourhoods. The overall aim of the Roadshow is to work closely with people from the hosting ci ...

Creating drafts in urban settings through coloured façades

Exploring a new climate adaptation measure based on thermal stratification

Climate change will lead to more warm and hot days in the Netherlands. Climate adaptation measures are needed to reduce the vulnerability of urban areas. Moreover, proven adaptation measures, such as increased vegetated areas or water surfaces, are not always possible due to a ...


A bespoke solar-powered Public realm intervention installed in Manchester Park promoting urban environmental sustainability

A new public artwork is being installed in All Saints Grosvenor Square, thanks to European funding (ERDF) for public realm improvements on the Corridor. The public artwork commissioned for the Park promotes an environmental sustainability theme. Professor John Hyatt (Director of ...

Changing Place

‘Urban Plasti-City’

One of four perspectives on the city, (15 April – 15 May). Venue: Holden Gallery, Cavendish Street, Manchester, UK.@en


Turning heat into warmth

Re-inserting warmth in the social and sustainable infrastructures of post-war neighbourhoods

In Moerwijk, a post-war-neighbourhood of The Hague, a large regional distribution pipe for a heat network is being constructed. This proposal aims to provide for a local heat network considering community needs, urban potential and technological requirements to create multilayere ...