
F. van Zeist

4 records found

The creation of SenseLab

A laboratory for testing and experiencing single and combinations of indoor environmental conditions

Research has shown that staying indoors is not good for our health. People spend more and more of their time indoors. Therefore, providing a healthy and comfortable indoor environment is very important. The SenseLab will contribute to the understanding of and coping with the indo ...
A study was performed to investigate the indoor air quality of ventilation ducts, cut or milled directly in the outside thermal insulation of houses as part of a renovation concept. Measurements and subjective evaluations were conducted to study the impact of the polystyrene vent ...

Self-reported health and comfort in student homes

First results from a survey among students from different universities in the Netherlands

There is a need for making people aware of the importance of indoor environmental quality for their health and comfort. A simple guide to educate yourself was created, together with a questionnaire to make you aware of your own indoor environment. The questionnaire was distribute ...


A playground for the senses

To facilitate a multi-disciplinary education and research program, the ‘Sense lab’, a playground for the senses, is being built, in which single and combinations of environmental conditions can be both experienced and tested.@en