C. Roda

13 records found

The OFFICAIR project aimed to describe comfort and indoor air quality (IAQ) in new and retrofitted office buildings in Europe. In France, 21 office buildings participated in this project. In a subsample of five buildings, IAQ measurements and performance tests were carried out to ...
The OFFICAIR project aimed to describe comfort and indoor air quality in new and retrofitted office buildings in Europe. This article reports the perceived comfort and health, as well as their relations with building characteristics, in the 21 participating office buildings in Fr ...

Rhinitis bij Nederlandse studenten

Wordt rhinitis beïnvloed door de woonomgeving van studenten?

Het onderhavig onderzoek was gericht op het vinden van relaties tussen eigenschappen van de woonomgeving en rhinitis (irritatie van het slijmweefsel in de neus) bij studenten. Een vragenlijst werd verspreid onder vier groepen van studenten van drie technische universiteiten in Ne ...
Indoor environmental conditions (thermal, noise, light, and indoor air quality) may affect
workers’ comfort, and consequently their health and well-being, as well as their productivity.
This study aimed to assess the relations between perceived indoor environment and occu ...

Self-reported health and comfort in 'modern' office buildings

First results from the European OFFICAIR study

In the European research project OFFICAIR, a procedure was developed to determine associations between characteristics of European offices and health and comfort of office workers, through a checklist and a self-administered questionnaire including environmental, physiological, p ...
While the indoor environmental quality of student homes is a potential issue since it may affect the wellbeing of the students, the relations are still poorly studied. This study aimed to investigate the relations between home building characteristics and rhinitis ...
Objectives Ocular discomfort is a prevalent health complaint in offices. It is hypothesized that, in addition to individual and occupational factors, the buildings' indoor environment may affect eye complaints. However, insight in potential building-related causal factors, needed ...

Self-reported health and comfort in student homes

First results from a survey among students from different universities in the Netherlands

There is a need for making people aware of the importance of indoor environmental quality for their health and comfort. A simple guide to educate yourself was created, together with a questionnaire to make you aware of your own indoor environment. The questionnaire was distribute ...