L Janssen-Jansen


20 records found

Dutch planners recently adopted a more development oriented planning system and now search for marked-oriented planning instruments. The US-concept of transferable developments rights, where development possibilities are being transferred between areas, thus receives a lot of att ...
New regulations on the allocation of social housing recently came into effect in the Netherlands as a result of a state-support complaint filed by institutional investors to the European Commission. At least 90 % of vacant social housing dwellings has to be allocated to household ...
In this paper, an analytical model for measuring match and mismatch between social housing units and their tenants is presented and applied to the social rented housing sector of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Through the use of a large set of unique micro-data combining housing uni ...
Non-financial compensation increasingly receives attention in both planning practice and science across the world. Non-financial compensation exists when a government compensates a person or company with an interest in land for the loss of one or more of his property rights there ...
Rent controls and rent setting regulation in different contexts incorporate and balance different aims, in particular when securing affordability and the effective distribution of scarce housing by incorporating market mechanisms. As rent policy is frequently discussed in terms o ...