
1 records found

When “port-out – city-in” becomes a strategy

Is the port–city interface conflict in Amsterdam an observation or a self-fulfilling prophecy?

Within the majority of port city literature, the evolution of port cities is still explained as an inevitable or ‘logical’ process whereby maritime land-uses gradually migrate from city centres towards waterfront zones with deep water access. Between the 1950s and 2000s, obsolete ...


19 records found

A space for sex work

An intersectional feminist approach to brothels in the context of decriminalisation

This project deals with spaces for a historically neglected collective: sex workers. It aims to destigmatize the practice by representing the workers and the material conditions that determine their safety and well-being every day, of which architecture is part. Articulated from ...

Post-pandemic office real estate

A pilot study of using scenario planning to develop scenarios with quantitative office space demand for corporate real estate

The influence of the COVID-19 pandemic is profound and enduring to the entire world. A ‘recovery’ to go back in time is unlikely to happen due to the lack of uncertainty in the future. The darkest time will eventually pass, whereas post-pandemic, the era in which the pandemic is ...

A new minimum

The potential for existenzminimum dwelling concepts in renovation projects

Inspired by the Existenzminimum movement of the early 20th century, the feasibility of historic efficient housing concepts is studied. The canvas for this is the renovation design of a post-65 housing complex in Amsterdam. Three concepts reinterpreted into a modern context and ap ...

Aging (in) Architecture

How to create a high quality and inclusive living environment in a 1980s housing complex at Bijlmerplein

Suitable housing and its availability: it seems to be a problem within almost every phase of the housing career in the Netherlands, as the housing market is stagnating. Our older generation is held responsible for this national problem, but why? Deliberate occupation of the ‘over ...

Industry or Housing: Clash or Match?

A qualitative study into residents' experience of living close to industry and how this affects their perception of nuisance and satisfaction.

Due to both geographical and functional separation of port and city, urban planning of port cities has become a rather slow, costly and sometimes conflictual process. To work towards a more collaborative way of planning and to enhance the competitive edge of port cities, mixed-us ...

Towards the stop of the 'Westward-Movement' of the port: Case Haven-Stad

An approach for the municipality for the mixed-use redevelopment of Industrial areas

In the past decades many business parks and industrial areas haven been targeted for urban redevelopment. This is the result of the land intensification policy implemented in the Metropolitan Region of Amsterdam, see figure below. This redevelopment strategy has been pushing the ...
99.94% of scientists believe in the effect of CO2 emissions on climate change. To tackle this, many parts of society must become sustainable. In Dutch road projects this drive for a sustainable transition is noticed in the last few years. Currently, the actions for climate inclus ...

Topologically Optimised Cast Glass Grid Shell Nodes

Exploring Topology Optimisation as a design tool for Structural Cast Glass elements with reduced annealing time

Cast glass is a promising structural material that has seen increasing use in the build environment over the last year. It offers a great freedom of shape for designers and engineers, beyond the two-dimensional float glass that is still primarily used. Despite this, cast glass in ...

‘A New City in the Port’

An actor centered institutional analysis of the strategic governance and planning process around Amsterdam Haven-Stad

In December 2017, the municipality of Amsterdam announced the development of a new city in its port: Haven-Stad. The plan comprises a redevelopment strategy to transform port lands towards a mixed use urban area with up to 70.000 dwellings. This announcement caused a conflict bet ...

Waterfront Development Management in Greece

Exploring the case of “Lipasmata” in Piraeus, towards alternative approaches

The declining port/industrial activities near the urban structure of cities generate new challenges for contemporary societies. Among others, these challenges interest the desolation of urban districts and the creation of large urban voids, one of the major problems affecting, no ...


Future waterscapes

"What if the dikes were to break? How can we then live with the water in the most beautiful way?" The Netherlands has a long history of battling against the water. It is high time to embrace the water in a new vision for the Netherlands called "PLAN B: Future waterscapes." “PLAN ...

Neighborhood and Community

Connecting the Tangible and the Intangible

Neighbourhood, Community, Meantal Health and the Built Environment

Making Space for Light Industry

An Examination of Light Industry Integration through Mixed-use in Amsterdam's Transformation Areas

The presence of industry within the urban environment is gaining significant traction in a number of cities around the world. It’s growth and importance is fuelled by technology advancements that support both traditional local industry and advanced manufacturing. However, there i ...

Transportation Hubs as Public Space

Transforming the public space surrounding Brussels-South Railway Station

With the introduction of High-Speed Rail, many transportation hubs have been redeveloped to include this transport. However, these stations are often neglecting important aspects related to the quality of the public space and the connection with the surrounding. To improve the qu ...

Inclusive neighbourhoods across urban waters

A spatial design for intensifying socio-ecological resilience in communities in Addis Ababa positioned between tradition and transition

The world is urbanising rapidly, with the Global South as the part of the world with the most rapid urbanisation. The urban population of Ethiopia is predicted to nearly triple in 25 years. The swiftness of urbanisation is resulting in extreme challenges. It causes, reinforced by ...

The campus evaluated

Delivered benefits for on-campus located real estate users

Campuses have recently drawn attention from governing organisations in the Netherlands and are identified as promising types of office- and university development on national, regional and company levels (Wiebes, 2019). Millions of dollars are invested in campuses by local and re ...

Make Your Own Neighbourhood

A Communal DIY Marketplace for the Zomerhofkwartier in Rotterdam

The project initially started out to be engaged with the sociocultural phenomenon around amateur production and its physical manifestation of the DIY store as an integral of everyday life in today's society. In order to gradually develop an architectural brief for the eventual de ...

Revitalizing Riverbank Informal Settlements

Urban Integration & Revitalization of the Bulbula River

This graduation booklet shows the work that is done during the ‘Global Housing Graduation Studio: Addis Ababa Living Lab’. The goal of this project was to research and design housing solutions to improve the livelihood of Addis Ababa’s urban dwellers. Currently, Addis Ababa is fa ...

Using simulation models and model interpretations for long-term policy-making in cities

Case study of long-term planning of office space in Amsterdam

Simulation models are increasingly used to substantiate long-term planning policy decisions. The communication of model results from modellers to policy-makers has not received much attention by scholars. While, without correct interpretation and correct use of model results the ...