
10 records found


First attempts to institutionalize European spatial planning

This paper is about a relatively unknown north-west European organization of spatial planning: the (standing) Conference for Spatial Planning in North-Western Europe. The founders of CRONWE tried to create a European spatial planning approach that could influence spatial developm ...

Transformations of Planning Rationales

Changing Spaces for Governance in Recent Dutch National Planning

Dutch national planning has acquired an international reputation because it provides strong planning guidance while simultaneously being responsive to the particular spatial and political circumstances of different regions and areas. Spatial concepts, like the Randstad, are impor ...

Introducing the Randstad

A polycentric metropolis

The Randstad and polycentric regions generally are not only vehicles to create critical economic mass. The geography of the Randstad is unmistakably deltaic, with expanses of flat open land crisscrossed by watercourses and historic windmills that remain from a former network of m ...

Visual Storytelling

Assessing the power of maps in planning

There is an abundant use of visualisation in spatial planning. This chapter is particularly concerned about planning on the regional level and beyond. On these higher levels of scales maps form the dominant visualisation mode. To fully comprehend and evaluate the content of these ...

De Randstad

Zin en onzin van een concept

Een polycentrische stad, een geheel van keurig afgebakende steden rond een groen hart. Dat is de gedachte achter de Randstad. Hoogleraar Wil Zonneveld laat zien dat het concept Randstad alleen kon functioneren met een nationale overheid die zich actief bemoeide met ruimtelijke or ...


From a spatial planning concept to a place name

This chapter seeks to unravel the history of the Randstad planning concept and focuses on the national level as a lot of the thinking about the Randstad has been carried out within national planning organisations and trickled down to provincial and municipal planning. It begins w ...

Urban Transformation in the Northern Randstad

How Institutions Structure Planning Practice

This chapter discusses the empirical value of looking at planning practice through institution/pragmatism lenses. The notion of institutions that provide actors with a logic of appropriateness and ideas about planning as a communicative practice set the stage for an analysis of ...

The Institutionalisation of a Creative Practice

Changing Roles of Regional Design in Dutch National Planning

This chapter discusses the organisational setting of regional design in the realms of spatial planning and territorial governance. As a starting point, it argues that rules on how imagined design solutions function in an abstract, simplified ‘planning world’ are an important regi ...
The objective of the COMPASS project was to provide an authoritative comparative report on changes in territorial governance and spatial planning systems in Europe from 2000 to 2016. This Final Report presents the main findings, conclusions and policy recommendations. The COMPASS ...

Informal governance arrangements in the southern Randstad

Understanding the dynamics in a polycentric region

The Dutch Randstad is known for its polycentric configuration resulting in regional daily urban systems and planning realities that do not match formal government tiers. Over the years many informal governance structures have been proposed to address this issue. Often the rationa ...


10 records found

Programme of requirements for the design of an instrument that assists spatial planners in assessing flood risk

A research towards the questions if- and how- an instrument that presents information to users form a different dsicipline that the designers can be improved.

Flood risk is increasing due to climate change and the growth of the potential consequences of flooding. Analysing how flood-proof the spatial plan is, therefore becomes more important. Since most spatial planners have limited knowledge concerning flood risk, the Netherlands’ Dir ...

Flows Revalued

A future-oriented revaluation of the Strategy of the Two Networks

From the environmental point of view, future mobility (positive) and the change in the hydrological system (negative) are taken as trends from which the urban program needs to develop. This research starts with the conception that the Strategy of te Two Networks (S2N) internalize ...

Adaptation by Design: San Rafael Canal District

Keeping water out, and people in

The San Rafael canal district is an example of a high density, low-income neighborhood in a flood risk area. A combination that is becoming a global problem, and will likely grow with future climate change. In this thesis strategic spatial planning, water management interventions ...

Arrival City Hamburg

Multi-dimensional opportunity structures for migrant integration in German cities

Integration as one of the major paths to social cohesion is a task of urban development and restructuring (Glick Schiller & Çaǧlar, 2009). A growing number of scholars refer to the importance of urban opportunities that facilitate integration processes via the empowerment, intera ...

(Re)Connecting Borders

Functional and institutional integration in relation to the urban pattern of the cross-border Euregio Maas-Rijn

The Euregio Maas-Rijn can be considered a Polycentric Urban Region (PUR), a region that consists mostly of medium and small-sized cities. The region is divided by three national borders, but the opening of European borders has enabled the region to cooperate more. PUR’s have acce ...

Tourism as an asset for sustainable development

Unveiling the potential of local assets for spatial development in Moche, Trujillo, Peru.

Trujillo, is the second most populous metropolitan area of Peru, with a population of around 950 000 inhabitants. Its urban growth has happened within unsustainable patterns, like massive urban sprawl in low density, and it seems to continue in the same direction. Next to that, t ...

Regional Design

Discretionary Approaches to Planning in the Netherlands

This thesis elaborates on the role and position of regional design in spatial planning. Building upon the argument that design in this realm aims to improve planning guidance by judging its implications for particular situations, the thesis develops an analytical framework for an ...

Regionale gebiedsontwikkeling

De invloed van de provincie op ruimtelijke planning in tussenstedelijke gebieden

Nationale opgaven zoals het woningbouwbeleid, de energietransitie en klimaatadaptatie zijn vraagstukken die door regionale instanties concreet moeten worden gemaakt in samenhang met de vraagstukken van de regio zelf. De regio, het niveau tussen de gemeenten en de provincie, heeft ...


A Cross-case Comparison of Dispersed Urban Development in Europe

An increasing body of literature suggests that the conventional idea of a gradual transition in spatial structure from urban to rural does not reflect contemporary patterns of urban development and their potential for sustainable development. The research introduces the concept o ...
It is incumbent on governments at all levels to ensure that cohesion policy is efficient and helps deliver territorial cohesion. Spatial planning tools can play the key role in ensuring that in the countries and regions that receive cohesion policy funding the combined territoria ...