
5 records found

The recent emergence of LLM-based code generation models can potentially transform programming education. To pinpoint the current state of research on using LLM-based code generators to support the teaching and learning of programming, we conducted a systematic literature review ...
There is an urgent need for educating the next generation of learners with digital tools and making use of digital practices and skills. Education on computational thinking (CT) is widespread around the world with a dominant focus on K- 12. Recently also higher education has come ...
With the vision to promote CT to a wider group of audiences, this PhD project explores the formative assessment of CT skills in Programming Education to support students to learn CT skills in Higher Education. In this project, we plan to investigate the importance of CT in the co ...
Our life is surrounded by digital devices. Engineering education is one of the cornerstones in higher education for future generations and computational thinking (CT) is deemed as a core component in various engineering curricula. The Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), is ...
Computational Thinking (CT) is considered a core 21st century digital skill. The aspect of assessment is crucial and knowing what, who, when, how, and where to assess is important for assessment design. In this study, we conducted an umbrella review to gain insights regarding CT ...


8 records found

AI in Coding: How can code generation models support developing computational thinking skills?

The use of code generation models in programming support activities

Using AI to support programming has recently gained a lot of popularity. Researchers have been developing tools to support programming activities using GPT models such as ChatGPT and Codex In this paper, we present the most common pro-gramming activities that these models can sup ...
The recent emergence of AI-driven code generation models can potentially transform programming education. To pinpoint the current state of research on using AI code generators to support learning and teaching programming, we conducted a systematic literature review with 21 papers ...
In recent years, significant progress has been made in the field of natural language processing (NLP) through the development of large language models (LLMs) like BERT and ChatGPT. These models have showcased remarkable abilities across a range of NLP tasks. However, effectively ...


Proceedings of Sixth APSCE International Conference on Computational Thinking and STEM Education 2022


Proceedings of Sixth APSCE International Conference on Computational Thinking and STEM Education 2022


Proceedings of Sixth APSCE International Conference on Computational Thinking and STEM Education 2022

Code generation is becoming one of the most important tools in an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for programmers, be they novices or experts. It allows them to produce code faster, avoid typos and other mistakes, be more efficient and easily turn ideas into code. As suc ...