F.M. Meijer


19 records found

To be successful, energy renovation construction programs in northern China require both proper understanding of the causes of quality failures and effective strategies for renovating existing residential buildings for energy savings. However, surprisingly, although in recent yea ...

Stakeholders’ Risk Perception

A Perspective for Proactive Risk Management in Residential Building Energy Retrofits in China

The implementation of energy retrofit of residential buildings faces many risks around the world, especially in China, leading to low retrofit progress. Stakeholders’ proactive risk management is the key to the smooth implementation of retrofit projects but is normally affected b ...
The renovation of housing stock in the Netherlands has the potential to help achieving the country's climate change targets. However, there are non-monetary Transaction Cost (TC) factors, such as searching for information and finding a reliable professional/contractor, that prese ...
Building energy renovations can effectively improve the environmental performance and energy sustainability of existing buildings. From 2007 onwards, the Chinese government has promoted energy-saving renovations of existing urban residential buildings. Nevertheless, various quali ...
The housing stock has a considerable share of 40% in energy consumption and 36% of CO 2 emissions in the EU ...

Quality control of constructions

European trends and developments

Purpose: This paper aims to evaluate the quality control systems for constructions in seven countries in Europe with the purpose to trace innovative approaches and best practices that can serve as examples for other countries. Design/methodology/approach: The paper is based on a ...

Impact of Home Energy Monitoring and Management Systems (HEMS)

Triple-A: Stimulating the Adoption of low-carbon technologies by homeowners through increased Awareness and easy Access D2.1.1. Report on impact of HEMS

This report answers the question: How can HEMS be used to influence energy-saving behaviour of homeowners? Lessons regarding the feedback from HEMS to influence energy-saving behaviour have been explored and specifications of HEMS to influence energy saving by households are give ...
Dutch policies to reach a CO2 neutral housing stock in 2050 force housing associations to realise higher renovation rates at lower costs. The potential for standardisation in renovation processes of the housing stock is huge. Practice shows that an increasing number of housing as ...

Strengthening local authority web portals for the adoption of lowcarbon technologies by homeowners

Triple-A: Stimulating the Adoption of low-carbon technologies by homeowners through increased Awareness and easy Access

Local authorities engaged in the Interreg 2 Seas project Triple-A want to achieve a market acceleration in the owner-occupied single-family home renovation sector by increasing awareness of - and enabling access to – energy saving technologies. Various local authorities are parti ...

QuickScan van buitenlandse stelsels van kwaliteitsborging voor het bouwen

Duitsland, Engeland & Wales, Frankrijk, Ierland, Noorwegen, Zweden en Australië

Onderzoek uitgevoerd in opdracht van Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties DG Wonen en Bouwen.@en

Concepts for consultancy centres and pop-ups for the adoption of lowcarbon technologies by homeowners

Triple-A: Stimulating the Adoption of low-carbon technologies by home-owners through increased Awareness and easy Access

Local authorities engaged in the Interreg 2 Seas project Triple-A aim to achieve a market acceleration in the owner-occupied single-family home renovation sector by increasing awareness of – and enabling access to – energy saving technologies. Various local authorities are consid ...

A new Dutch building control system

Lessons to be learned from neighbours?

Traditionally quality control of construction work in Europe was a governmental responsibility. In most European countries local authority building control were responsible for the issuing of planning or building permits and carried out plan approval, site-inspections and checks ...

Project-overstijgend samenwerken aan een duurzame woningvoorraad: voorbeelden en leerlessen

MMIP-IEBB project 7.2 Eenduidige vraag en vraag-aanbodbundeling

The process of residential energy retrofitting needs to be advanced, especially in the hot summer and cold winter (HSCW) zone of China. Good cooperation from homeowners is the key to the smooth project implementation. Some studies have identified four categories of information as ...
Energy retrofit of residential buildings is an approach to reduce worldwide energy consumption. Residential energy retrofitting in China mostly focuses on multi-owner residential buildings with composite ownership that dozens of private homeowners own their apartment and jointly ...
The housing sector is responsible for a more than a quarter of the total final energy consumption in the EU. As the majority (70%) of the EU-housing stock is owner occupied and largely consists of single family dwellings it is understandable that many countries focus their energy ...
The goals of energy saving and CO2 reductions to create an energy neutral building stock seem only to be reached by strict and supportive governmental policies. In Europe the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive and the Energy Efficiency Directive are driving forces for Memb ...
Building energy renovations contribute significantly to energy sustainability and environmental protection. These advantages have increased the importance of renovating existing residential buildings in many countries. In China, the government has supported the energy-saving reno ...


1 records found

The aim of this thesis is to add knowledge to the role and impact of policy instruments in meeting energy performance ambition in the existing owner occupied housing stock. The focus was instruments available in the Netherlands in 2011 and 2012. These instruments represented the ...