6 records found


Balancing decisions for urban brownfield regeneration

People, Planet, Profit and processes

In this paper, the soil security concept is applied on urban soils. In the SNOWMAN project Balance4P, the main focus was on the integration of subsurface aspects in urban brownfield regeneration. Balancing decisions for urban brownfield regeneration should take into account the t ...
This paper presents a holistic approach to sustainable urban brownfield redevelopment where specific focus is put on the integration of a multitude of subsurface qualities in the early phases of the urban redevelopment process, i.e. in the initiative and plan phases. Achieving su ...

BALANCE 4P - Balancing decisions for urban brownfield redevelopment

Technical report of the BALANCE 4P project of the SNOWMAN Network coordinated call IV

Land take as a result of urbanization is one of the major soil threats in Europe. One of the key measures to prevent further urban sprawl and additional land take, is redevelopment of urban brownfields: underused urban areas with, in many cases, soil and groundwater pollution. Th ...