C.B. Poulsen
18 records found
Many programming languages allow programmers to regulate accessibility; i.e., annotating a declaration with keywords such as export and private to indicate where it can be accessed. Despite the importance of name accessibility for, e.g., compilers, editor auto-completion and tool
Expressive logics, such as the modal μ-calculus, can be used to specify and verify functional requirements of program models. While such verification is useful, a key challenge is to guarantee that the model being verified actually corresponds to the (typically effectful) program
Software engineers should be able to apply massive code refactorings to maintain large legacy code bases. A key aspect of developing restructurings is matching and transforming code snippets using abstract syntax trees (ASTs). Matching on ASTs is typically done through AST patter
Hefty Algebras
Modular Elaboration of Higher-Order Algebraic Effects
Algebraic effects and handlers is an increasingly popular approach to programming with effects. An attraction of the approach is its modularity: effectful programs are written against an interface of declared operations, which allows the implementation of these operations to be d
The goal of automated refactoring is to reduce maintenance effort. To realize this, programmers need to be able to trust or manually check that refactorings actually preserve behavior. To allow programmers to focus on such checks, automated refactorings should preserve program we
Substitution is a common and popular approach to implementing name binding in definitional interpreters. A common pitfall of implementing substitution functions is variable capture. The traditional approach to avoiding variable capture is to rename variables. However, traditional
An important aspect of type checking is name resolution — i.e., determining the types of names by resolving them to a matching declaration. For most languages, we can give typing rules that define name resolution in a way that abstracts from what order different units of code sho
Code completion is an editor service in IDEs that proposes code fragments for the user to insert at the caret position in their code. Code completion should be sound and complete. It should be sound, such that it only proposes fragments that do not violate the syntactic and stati
Specifying and mechanically verifying type safe programming languages requires significant effort. This effort can in theory be reduced by defining and reusing pre-verified, modular components. In practice, however, existing approaches to modular mechanical verification require m
The development of programming languages can be quite complicated and costly. Hence, much effort has been devoted to the modular definition of language features that can be reused in various combinations to define new languages and experiment with their semantics. A notable outco
Knowing when to ask
Sound scheduling of name resolution in type checkers derived from declarative specifications
There is a large gap between the specification of type systems and the implementation of their type checkers, which impedes reasoning about the soundness of the type checker with respect to the specification. A vision to close this gap is to automatically obtain type checkers fro
An intrinsically-typed definitional interpreter is a concise specification of dynamic semantics, that is executable and type safe by construction. Unfortunately, scaling intrinsically-typed definitional interpreters to more complicated object languages often results in definition
Symbolic execution is a technique for automatic software validation and verification. New symbolic executors regularly appear for both existing and new languages and such symbolic executors are generally manually (re)implemented each time we want to support a new language. We pro
Abstract interpretation is a technique for developing static analyses. Yet, proving abstract interpreters sound is challenging for interesting analyses, because of the high proof complexity and proof effort. To reduce complexity and effort, we propose a framework for abstract int
A definitional interpreter defines the semantics of an object language in terms of the (well-known) semantics of a host language, enabling understanding and validation of the semantics through execution. Combining a definitional interpreter with a separate type system requires a
Scope graphs are a promising generic framework to model the binding structures of programming languages, bridging formalization and implementation, supporting the definition of type checkers and the automation of type safety proofs. However, previous work on scope graphs has been
Scopes describe frames
A uniform model for memory layout in dynamic semantics
Semantic specifications do not make a systematic connection between the names and scopes in the static structure of a program and memory layout, and access during its execution. In this paper we introduce a systematic approach to the alignment of names in static semantics and mem
Scopes Describe Frames
A Uniform Model for Memory Layout in Dynamic Semantics (Artifact)
Our paper introduces a systematic approach to the alignment of names in the static structure of a program, and memory layout and access during its execution. We develop a uniform memory model consisting of frames that instantiate the scopes in the scope graph of a program. This p