Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova


7 records found

We report on a field exercise in which a team of human fire-fighters used robots to enact a realistic disaster response mission in an industrial environment. In this exercise we evaluated the technical working of an integrated robotic system and gained insights concerning the man ...
The TRADR project aims at developing methods and models for human-robot teamwork, enabling robots to operate in search & rescue environments alongside humans as teammates, rather than as tools. Through a user-centered cognitive engineering method, human-robot teamwork is analyzed ...
We report on the latest large-scale disaster-response exercise conducted by our project, which involves a robotic system with both ground robots (UGVs) and aerial robots (UAVs). In particularly, we focus on aspects related to Human-Robot teaming, and the uptake of new technology ...
As robots are increasingly used in Search and Rescue (SAR) missions, it becomes highly relevant to study how SAR robots can be developed and deployed in a responsible way. In contrast to some other robot application domains, e.g. military and healthcare, the ethics of robot-assis ...
We report Year 4 progress in the TRADR project WP5: Persistent models for human-robot teaming. We focused on the analysis, modelling and online-processing of the information-gathering tasks that the human-robot team is performing during a mission, with the goal to enable the robo ...
As robots that share working and living environments with humans proliferate, human-robot teamwork (HRT) is becoming more relevant every day. By necessity, these HRT dynamics develop over time, as HRT can hardly happen only in the moment. What theories, algorithms, tools, computa ...