A.C. Habben Jansen

10 records found

This paper presents and demonstrates a new design thinking framework for early stage complex ship design, called the Design Knowledge Management Square (DKMS) framework. The DKMS framework provides a structure that explicitly incorporates the collaborative nature of complex ship ...
Vulnerability reduction is an important topic during the design of naval ships because they are designed to operate in hostile environments and because their on-board distributed systems are becoming increasingly complex. The vulnerability needs to be addressed in the early desig ...
Naval ships are designed to operate and survive in hostile environments. As such, vulnerability reduction is a major topic of interest during the design of a naval ship. For modern naval ships the vulnerability is largely determined by the design and layout of distributed systems ...
Naval ships are designed to operate in hostile environments. As such, vulnerability reduction is an important aspect that needs to be assessed during the design. With the increased interest in electrification and automation on board naval ships, the vulnerability of distributed s ...
Naval ships are designed to operate in a hostile environment. As such, vulnerability is an important aspect that needs to be assessed during the design. With the increased interest in electrification and automation on board naval ships, the vulnerability of distributed systems ha ...
Naval ships are designed to operate in hostile environments, which exposes them to an ever-present risk of getting hit by weapons fired by an enemy. Potential consequences of a hit may be serious or even catastrophic. Therefore, survivability is a major design driver of naval shi ...
This paper introduces a framework for analyzing distributed ship systems. The increase in interconnected and interdependent systems aboard modern naval vessels has significantly increased their complexity, making them more vulnerable to cascading failures and emergent behavior th ...
In order to investigate to which extent naval ships can execute their operational scenario after damage, an early stage assessment of the vulnerability of distributed systems needs to be carried out. Such assessments are currently mostly done by evaluating the performance of pred ...
An early stage assessment of the vulnerability of systems on board naval ships needs to be carried out in order to ensure that naval ships can execute their operational scenario after hits or other damage. However, the broad scope of operational scenarios and impact levels, the i ...