Zengchuan Dong


5 records found

Food security is important for human well-being worldwide. However, changing climate, population growth and shrinking land resources are threatening food security in many regions of the world. Jiangsu Province, China, is one such region. It is a major food-producing region of the ...
As one of the fundamental behaviors of human, migration can be understood as an active adjustment of the spatial distribution of population, often in response to water stress. Water resources dynamics, a basic element for civilization development, slowly but firmly imposes its ...
Efficient use of water and nutrients in crop production are critical for sustainable water and crop production systems. Understanding the role of humans in ensuring water and nutrient use efficiency is therefore an important ingredient of sustainable development. Crop production ...
Migration is often seen as an adaptive human response to adverse socio-environmental conditions, such as water scarcity. A rigorous assessment of the causes of migration, however, requires reliable information on the migration in question and related variables, such as, unemploym ...