R.A. Bos
8 records found
A case study with Symbihand
An sEMG-controlled electrohydraulic hand orthosis for individuals with Duchenne muscular dystrophy
With recent improvements in healthcare, individuals with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) have prolonged life expectancy, and it is therefore vital to preserve their independence. Hand function plays a central role in maintaining independence in daily living. This requires suffi
While designing a dynamic hand orthosis to assist during activities of daily living, the designer has to know whether a concept will have sufficient grasp performance to support these activities. This is often estimated by measuring the interaction force at the contact interface.
Mechanical design of dynamic hand orthoses
Expanding technology with comprehensive overviews and alternative pathways
Orthoses have evolved from simply maintaining bone fractures and correcting spinal deformities to full mechatronic systems that can read a person’s intention and translate that into a desired motion or force path. A vast variety in pathologies (e.g., stroke, muscular dystrophies)
People with Duchenne muscular dystrophy are currently in need of assistive robotics to improve their hand function and have a better quality of life. However, none of the available active hand orthoses is able to address to their specific needs. In this study, the use of hydrauli
This study does not describe a success-story. Instead, it describes an exploratory process and the lessons learned while designing a compliant mechanism for a dynamic hand orthosis. Tools from engineering optimization and rapid prototyping techniques were used, with the goal to d
The addition of a cosmetic glove to an upper limb prosthesis has a distinct effect on the cosmetic value, but its viscoelastic behaviour adds a substantial amount of stiffness and hysteresis to the system. As a result, the overall usability of the prosthesis is degraded. A novel
The development of dynamic hand orthoses is a fast-growing field of research and has resulted in many different devices. A large and diverse solution space is formed by the various mechatronic components which are used in these devices. They are the result of making complex desig