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L van der Ham
Academic Work (9)
Conference paper (2)
Journal article (6)
Poster (1)
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9 records found
Comparison of Raman, NIR, and ATR FTIR spectroscopy as analytical tools for in-line monitoring of CO
concentration in an amine gas treating process
Journal article (2016) -
A. Kachko (author)
L van der Ham (author)
A Bardow (author)
T. J.H. Vlugt (author)
Thijs J H Vlugt (author)
Thijs Vlugt (author)
T.J.H. Vlugt (author)
TJH Vlugt (author)
Thijs J.H. Vlugt (author)
E.L.V. Goetheer (author)
ELV Goetheer (author)
Analysis of process configurations for CO2 capture by precipitating amino acid solvents
Journal article (2014) -
Eva Sanchez-Fernandez (author)
E Sanchez-Fernandez (author)
E. Sanchez-Fernandez (author)
K Heffernan (author)
L van der Ham (author)
MJG Linders (author)
MJG Linders (author)
DWF Brilman (author)
E.L.V. Goetheer (author)
ELV Goetheer (author)
Thijs J.H. Vlugt (author)
Thijs Vlugt (author)
T.J.H. Vlugt (author)
T. J.H. Vlugt (author)
Thijs J H Vlugt (author)
TJH Vlugt (author)
Precipitating amino acid solvents for CO2 capture: Opportunities to reduce costs in post combustion capture
Conference paper (2014) -
Eva Sanchez-Fernandez (author)
E Sanchez-Fernandez (author)
E. Sanchez-Fernandez (author)
K Heffernan (author)
L van der Ham (author)
MJG Linders (author)
MJG Linders (author)
E. L.V. Goetheer (author)
Earl L.V. Goetheer (author)
Earl Goetheer (author)
Thijs J.H. Vlugt (author)
Thijs J H Vlugt (author)
TJH Vlugt (author)
Thijs Vlugt (author)
T.J.H. Vlugt (author)
T. J.H. Vlugt (author)
Modelling the coupled transfer of mass and thermal energy in the vapour-liquid region of a nitrogen-oxygen mixture
Journal article (2010) -
L van der Ham (author)
R. Bock (author)
SH Kjelstrup (author)
S.H. Kjelstrup (author)
SH Bedeaux (author)
S.H. Bedeaux (author)
Two performance indicators for the characterization of the entropy production in a process unit
Journal article (2010) -
L van der Ham (author)
J. Gross (author)
J Gross (author)
SH Kjelstrup (author)
S.H. Bedeaux (author)
SH Bedeaux (author)
S.H. Kjelstrup (author)
Spontaneous homeotropic alignment in films of rigid-flexible polyelectrolyte complexes
Journal article (2008) -
H.A. Every (author)
L van der Ham (author)
Stephen Picken (author)
Stephen J. Picken (author)
S.J. Picken (author)
SJ Picken (author)
Eduardo Mendes (author)
E. Mendes (author)
Liquid Crystallinity of Rigid-Rod Polyelectrolytes in Solution and in Films of Rigid/Flexible Polyelectrolyte Charged Complexes
Poster (2007) -
E. Mendes (author)
Eduardo Mendes (author)
H.A. Every (author)
L van der Ham (author)
SMJ Viale (author)
SJ Picken (author)
Stephen J. Picken (author)
Stephen Picken (author)
S.J. Picken (author)
A contactless capacitive angular-position sensor
Journal article (2003) -
M Gasulla (author)
XJ Li (author)
G.C.M. Meijer (author)
L van der Ham (author)
J.W. Spronck (author)
Jo Spronck (author)
A contactless capacitive angular-position sensor
Conference paper (2002) -
M Gasulla (author)
X. Li (author)
G.C.M. Meijer (author)
L van der Ham (author)
J.W. Spronck (author)
Jo Spronck (author)