Frederiek Sperna Weiland
5 records found
Satellite and hydrological model-based technologies provide estimates of rainfall and soil moisture over larger spatial scales and now cover multiple decades, sufficient to explore their value for the development of landslide early warning systems in data-scarce regions. In this
Klimaatadaptatie in het rivierengebied
Een geo-ecologisch perspectief.
Door klimaatverandering verandert het afvoerregime van onze grote rivieren. Hoogwaters worden hoger en frequenter, laagwaters lager en langduriger. Hoe we daarop reageren hangt af van hoe we klimaatverandering zien: als opgave, of als kans om onvolkomenheden aan te pakken. In dit
Improving the reliability of an impact-based forecasting model
A case study for typhoons and landslides in the Philippines
Anticipatory action requires models that can accurately and reliably predict the impact of natural hazards. However, impact forecasts are often underestimated when consecutive hazards are not considered. In the Bicol region in the Philippines, typhoons trigger 90% of landslides,
Regional climate model (RCMs) simulations are used in hydrological (climate-change) impact assessment studies. However, RCMs exhibit noticeable deviation from observation, and can show large variation in ensemble projections (biases). The objective of this study is twofold, first
Due to global warming, temperatures are expected to rise and, with it, the increase in moisture holding capacity of the atmosphere. Changes in precipitation extremes with temperature are governed by the Clausius-Clapeyron relationship (CC), which states that precipitation increas