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R. Hallouzi
Academic Work (13)
Conference paper (10)
Doctoral thesis (1)
Journal article (2)
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13 records found
Fault-tolerant subspace predictive control applied to a Boeing 747 model
Journal article (2008) -
R. Hallouzi (author)
M.H.G. Verhaegen (author)
M. Verhaegen (author)
M Verhaegen (author)
Michel Verhaegen (author)
Multiple model estimation: A convex model formulation
Journal article (2008) -
R. Hallouzi (author)
M.H.G. Verhaegen (author)
Michel Verhaegen (author)
M Verhaegen (author)
M. Verhaegen (author)
SK Kanev (author)
Multiple-model based diagnosis for adaptive fault-tolerant control
Doctoral thesis (2008) -
R. Hallouzi (author)
Persistency of excitation in subspace predictive control
Conference paper (2008) -
R. Hallouzi (author)
M.H.G. Verhaegen (author)
M. Verhaegen (author)
M Verhaegen (author)
Michel Verhaegen (author)
Reconfigurable fault tolerant control of a Boeing 747 using subspace predictive control
Conference paper (2007) -
R. Hallouzi (author)
M.H.G. Verhaegen (author)
M. Verhaegen (author)
M Verhaegen (author)
Michel Verhaegen (author)
Model weight estimation for FDI using convex fault models
Conference paper (2006) -
R. Hallouzi (author)
M.H.G. Verhaegen (author)
Michel Verhaegen (author)
M Verhaegen (author)
M. Verhaegen (author)
SK Kanev (author)
A multipurpose benchmark for fault diagnosis and control of smart structures
Conference paper (2006) -
J.W. van Wingerden (author)
J.W. Van Wingerden (author)
JW Wingerden (author)
Jan-Willem Wingerden (author)
Jan Willem Van van Wingerden (author)
Jan-Willem van Wingerden (author)
Jan Willem van van Wingerden (author)
Jan Willem van Wingerden (author)
J. W. Wingerden (author)
J. W.van Van Wingerden (author)
J. W. van Wingerden (author)
J. W.van Wingerden (author)
J. W. van van Wingerden (author)
J.W. Wingerden (author)
J. W. van Van Wingerden (author)
Jan-Willem Van Wingerden (author)
Jan Willem Van Wingerden (author)
JW Van Wingerden (author)
J. W. Van Wingerden (author)
Jan Willem Van Van Wingerden (author)
Jan Willem Wingerden (author)
Jan Willem van Van Wingerden (author)
Jan Willem van Wingerden (author)
J. W.van van Wingerden (author)
J. W. van Wingerden (author)
JW van Wingerden (author)
Jan Willem Van Wingerden (author)
P.R. Fraanje (author)
R. Hallouzi (author)
SK Kanev (author)
Michel Verhaegen (author)
M. Verhaegen (author)
M.H.G. Verhaegen (author)
M Verhaegen (author)
Fault detection and identification using multiple models
Conference paper (2006) -
M.H.G. Verhaegen (author)
Michel Verhaegen (author)
M Verhaegen (author)
M. Verhaegen (author)
R. Hallouzi (author)
SK Kanev (author)
Model weight and state estimation for multiple model systems applied to fault detection and identification
Conference paper (2006) -
R. Hallouzi (author)
M Verhaegen (author)
M.H.G. Verhaegen (author)
Michel Verhaegen (author)
M. Verhaegen (author)
R Babuska (author)
Robert Babuška (author)
Robert Babuska (author)
R Babuška (author)
R. Babuška (author)
R. Babuska (author)
SK Kanev (author)
Model weight and state estimation for multiple model systems applied to fault detection and identification
Conference paper (2006) -
R. Hallouzi (author)
M Verhaegen (author)
M.H.G. Verhaegen (author)
Michel Verhaegen (author)
M. Verhaegen (author)
R Babuska (author)
Robert Babuška (author)
Robert Babuska (author)
R Babuška (author)
R. Babuška (author)
R. Babuska (author)
SK Kanev (author)
Fault detection and identification of actuator faults using linear parameter varying models
Conference paper (2005) -
R. Hallouzi (author)
V Verdult (author)
R Babuska (author)
Robert Babuška (author)
Robert Babuska (author)
R Babuška (author)
R. Babuška (author)
R. Babuska (author)
M Verhaegen (author)
M.H.G. Verhaegen (author)
Michel Verhaegen (author)
M. Verhaegen (author)
Communication based longitudinal vehicle control using an extended kalman filter
Conference paper (2004) -
R. Hallouzi (author)
V Verdult (author)
J. Hellendoorn (author)
J Hellendoorn (author)
Hans Hellendoorn (author)
PLJ Morsink (author)
J Ploeg (author)
Experimental evaluation of a co-operative driving setup based on inter-vehicle communication
Conference paper (2004) -
R. Hallouzi (author)
V Verdult (author)
Hans Hellendoorn (author)
J Hellendoorn (author)
J. Hellendoorn (author)
J Ploeg (author)