D. Brdanovic

121 records found

In recent decades, there has been a growing focus on the management and valorization of digestate, primarily driven by its nutrient-rich composition, which positions it as a promising resource for biofertilizer production. However, several countries still restrict the direct appl ...
Photo-activated sludge (PAS) system aims to utilize microalgae to deliver oxygen for bacterial respiration, eliminating the need for external aeration. However, research on the treatment potential of PAS systems in the removal of nutrients is limited. In this context, a research ...

Inhibitory effects of long chain fatty acids on anaerobic sludge treatment

Biomass adaptation and microbial community assessment

The study investigated the effects of long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) on anaerobic sludge treating lipid-rich wastewater. It involved batch experiments with three sludge samples: two acclimated to lipids and one non-acclimated. The experiments aimed to observe the degradation of LC ...

Assessing institutional sanitation and its impact at a citywide level

An exploration of school sanitation in the Accra Metropolitan Area, Ghana

Introduction: Exploring sanitation at a city scale is crucial due to approaches such as Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS). Sanitation impacts individuals, households and the whole city, as recognised by CWIS. The Shit Flow Diagram Graphic (SFDG) is the primary tool for citywid ...
Flooding is expected to increase due to climate change, urbanisation, and land use change. To address this issue, Nature-Based Solutions (NBSs) are often adopted as innovative and sustainable flood risk management methods. Besides the flood risk reduction benefits, NBSs offer co- ...
Ca. Accumulibacter was the predominant microorganism (relative FISH bio-abundance of 67 ± 5%) in a lab-scale sequential batch reactor that accomplished enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) while using glucose and acetate as the carbon sources (1:1 COD-based ratio). Both ...
To investigate the influence of high-pressure and shear effects introduced by a concentrated oxygen supply system on the membrane filtration performance, a laboratory-scale membrane bioreactor (MBR) fed artificial municipal wastewater was operated continuously for 80 days in four ...
Digestate is a rich source of nutrients that can be applied in agricultural fields as fertilizer or irrigation water. However, most of the research about application of digestate have focused on its agronomic properties and neglected the potential harm of the presence of contamin ...
Thermal drying is an effective sludge treatment method for dealing with large volumes of sludge. Microwave (MW) technology has been proposed as an effective and efficient technology for sludge drying. The physical-chemical properties of the sludge depend both on the origin of the ...
Various business models for fecal sludge emptying and transport have been developed to address challenges and their advantages have been documented; however, their evaluation has not been investigated. This study developed an evaluation framework, which was tested in informal set ...
This study evaluated the effects of sludge retention time (SRT) on the membrane filtration performance of an anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR) fed lipid-rich synthetic dairy wastewater. The membrane filtration performance was evaluated in two AnMBR systems operated at two dif ...
Although faecal sludge (FS) co-compost contains vital nutrients, there are several barriers limiting adoption and reuse of FS co-compost in agriculture. This study in Bhubaneswar found that health risk and bad odour were the two topmost negative perceptions of FS co-compost reuse ...
To achieve SDG 6.2.1 (a) on safely managed sanitation services, several financial flow models (FFMs) and business models for the sanitation value chain have been implemented in Bangladesh and elsewhere; however, there is limited research on financial viability and sustainability ...
The performance of a pulp mill wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) was assessed using the software BioWin aiming at providing alternatives for reducing even further the phosphorus (P) concentration in the treated effluent. The WWTP was designed without nutrient removal capacities, ...
The use of near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy in wastewater treatment has continuously expanded. As an alternative to conventional analytical methods for monitoring constituents in wastewater treatment processes, the use of NIR spectroscopy is considered to be cost-effective and le ...
© 2021 by the authors. Submitted for possible open access. In Khulna, Bangladesh, mechanical faecal sludge (FS) emptying and transport (E&T) service is provided by community development committees (CDCs) and the Khulna City Corporation (KCC). Without considering capital expen ...
The aerobic granular sludge (AGS) process is an effective wastewater treatment technology for organic matter and nutrient removal that has been introduced in the market rapidly. Until now, limited information is available on AGS regarding the removal of bacterial and viral pathog ...
Photo-activated sludge (PAS) systems are an emerging wastewater treatment technology where microalgae provide oxygen to bacteria without the need for external aeration. There is limited knowledge on the optimal conditions for enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) in syste ...
Conventional diffused aeration systems (such as fine-bubble diffusers) exhibit a poor oxygen transfer in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), particularly when operating at sludge concentrations higher than 15 g L−1. The supersaturated dissolved oxygen (SDOX) system ha ...
The provision of effective sanitation strategies has a significant impact on public health. However, the treatment of septic sludge still presents some challenges worldwide. Consequently, innovative technologies capable of an effective and efficient sludge treatment, mostly at a ...