In a socio –technical system, such as the energy system, a network of actors is responsible for developing, monitoring and managing the technical system bounded by institutions on different levels. The network of actors is the social dimension, where the technical system is the t
In a socio –technical system, such as the energy system, a network of actors is responsible for developing, monitoring and managing the technical system bounded by institutions on different levels. The network of actors is the social dimension, where the technical system is the technical dimension of the socio -technical system. The development of the technical dimension can already be assessed through the Technology Readiness Level (TRL). The development of the network of actors, or the social dimension; the dimension that mostly causes problems cannot be assessed at this time.
It is, therefore, the aim of this thesis to create a numerical scale that indicates the development of the social dimension of a socio -technical system; the Network Readiness Level (NRL). The scale indicates the development at a low level of analysis; individual projects adding to the bigger socio -technical system. To draft the NRL -scale, the following research question should be answered: ‘What should a numerical indicator to assess the readiness of the social dimension of a socio -technical system look like?
To answer the research question, a list of properties, facilitators and barriers of influence on a socio –technical system was drafted, based on literature. The list was validated by experts based on semi –structure interviews and a sorting exercise. The experts were originating from cases on renewable energy development of Tata Steel IJmuiden . A total of three cases on the development of a wind park, developing solar power at TSIJ, and developing a District Heating network were used. All cases were selected based on their socio -technical characteristics. The outcomes of the interviews served as an input for a 4-step result analysis that lead to the final outcome of this thesis: the NRL –indicator.
The NRL -indicator is a methodology to assess the readiness of a network of actors based on a numerical scale. It serves to indicate the level of development, and addresses what causes the development to lag behind. The NRL -indicator exists of 16 criteria of a collaboration, and a scale of seven levels (NRL1 -NRL7). The methodology includes three important characteristics of a development: dynamic character, different criteria present at the same time, and the development process of the criteria. By combining these criteria, the NRL -indicator is capable of providing a complete overview of the factors of influence on a socio –technological development. The NRL –indicator presents something, a numerical scale to assess the readiness of the social side, which has never been presented before.
This research on the NRL –indicator thus proposes a completely new methodology that could be valuable for managers, policy makers, and other actors in the network of actors of any socio -technical system. Future research is needed to validate the methodology, and prove its applicability. Not only in renewable energy development, but in multiple socio -technical systems, like: construction, pharma, transportation, communication, public -private partnerships, and innovation.