D.J. Scholten


20 records found

The built environment needs to become completely sustainable before 2050. Hydrogen is seen as a suitable resource to help in achieving this goal. In a hydrogen system, the predefined high level of reliability, as stands today, affects the affordability of the system. The househol ...

Fostering wind in foreign waters

Governmental roles stimulating export of the Dutch offshore wind sector

In a rapidly expanding offshore wind market, governments are evaluating their role in the support of the export of their domestic companies. This thesis looks at what roles governments utilize in the export domain of offshore wind. Four governmental roles are identified and their ...

Consumer-facing companies contributing to decarbonize the heavy-industry

How and to what extend demand of consumer-facing companies could incentivize a hydrogen-based decarbonization in heavy-industries

Most countries have shown their concern towards global warming and made commitments to decrease carbon emissions. Energy usage will have to become more efficient and generated by an increasing amount of sustainable resources. Hard-to-abate industries will require incentives to de ...

The geopolitical implications of renewables

Evidence from the increasing share of wind energy in the Danish electricity system

Abstract The technical and geographical characteristics of fossil fuels have shaped interstate energy relations for decades. The ongoing energy transition leads to an increasing share of renewables in the electricity mix. Since technical and geographical characteristics of renewa ...

The Readiness Assessment of the Social Dimension of a Socio - Technical System on Level Scale

Based on: Cases of Renewable Energy Development at Tata Steel Ijmuiden

In a socio –technical system, such as the energy system, a network of actors is responsible for developing, monitoring and managing the technical system bounded by institutions on different levels. The network of actors is the social dimension, where the technical system is the t ...

Crossing the chasm of hydrogen electric vehicles to new technology dominance in the automotive industry

A stated choice experiment to forecast alternative fuel vehicle market diffusion in the Netherlands

In this thesis the Dutch consumer’ trade-off between hydrogen fuel cell technology and battery electric vehicles has been studied and identified which policy factors are effective to enable a FCEV breakthrough in the Netherlands. The consumer trade-off between different vehicle a ...
How well spent is public money concerning sustainability goals? How effective and efficient are these policies? Even though it is widely acknowledged that actions against climate change are urgently needed in the near future, policy makers little insight in how potential policies ...

Politics in frugal innovations

Assessing the relationship between political risks and the market diffusion of frugal solar-PV systems

Thirteen percent of the world’s population currently does not have access to electricity. This lack of access to electricity limits the overall development. Having access to clean energy can provide education access, productivity and possibilities for economic growth. Frugal inno ...

Advanced maintenance operations

For the Delft Offshore Turbine

This research aims to develop a maintenance strategy for large offshore DOT wind farms to reduce the costs for O&M. The strategy consists of a logistical solution in the form of a stock keeping scenario and a mechanism to exchange parts of the drive train. Requirements for the ma ...

Multi-criteria Assessment of Alternative Fuels for Peak Power Generation

Applying the AHP method for the selection of an alternative fuel for gas turbines in Rotterdam

As the energy transition evolves, more fossil-driven base-load generation is being replaced with intermittent renewable energy sources. Peak power plants will continue to play a crucial role in future renewable energy systems to complement renewable energy supply. The focus of th ...

Improving Energy Access for Displaced Populations

An institutional analysis for the potential of community solar mini-grids in refugee camps

There is a pressing need for sustainable energy solutions in refugee camps. Community solar mini-grids, with their costs, reliability, and ease of installation can meet this energy need and contribute to the development and empowerment of camp residents. This research aims to ans ...

Framework for updating scenarios

A multi-layer framework for structurally incorporating new information and uncertainties into scenarios

The dynamic and fast-changing environment brings challenges for generating long-term visions of the future; scenarios. Outdated scenarios will result in future pathways that are no longer achievable and therefore reduces their relevance and usefulness for making decisions. As som ...

A North Sea offshore grid governance model

The allocation of ownership and operating responsibilities for a Meshed Offshore Grid

EU climate goals force EU member states to increase the share of renewable electricity generation in their respective electricity markets. To reach these climate goals, offshore wind energy is regarded as one of the main technologies that can contribute to a full transition towar ...

Exposing the Complexity of GHG Reduction

Validation of a multi-criteria emission abatement curve built with the Y-factor to support sustainable energy strategies

Marginal Abatement Cost (MAC) curves rank emission abatement options according to their marginal implementation cost and are an extremely popular tool to draft energy strategies. Although relevant and elegant, MAC curves are often insufficient to justify the implementation of aba ...

The deployment of hydrogen in the Netherlands

Policy advise to accelerate the hydrogen transition in the heavy industry

In the Netherlands, it is envisaged that hydrogen will play a crucial role in the energy transition. Especially in this heavy industry, hydrogen will become essential to make this sector sustainable. In general, three types of hydrogen are used: grey, blue, and green hydrogen. Th ...

The implications of unlocking decentralised flexibility

A comparative analysis of the intermediary aggregator vs. blockchain technology by considering a system integration perspective

The Netherlands currently lacks a large scale aggregation system which can unlock decentralised flexibility to improve the reliability of the electricity grid in the presence of a significant amount of variable renewable energy sources. In this reserach, the aggregator blockchain ...

Sector coupling and batteries as flexibility options in the 2050 renewable power system

An assessment of North West Europe and the Netherlands with the IRENA FlexTool

To meet the goal of the European Union of becoming climate neutral in 2050, the Netherlands and North West Europe will integrate more and more variable renewable energy sources (VRE) into their power system. The uncertain weather conditions on which the VRE are dependent, will in ...

Decentralised Local Energy Markets

Evaluating the Impact of Blockchain Technology on Local Energy Markets

Uprising innovative technologies like blockchain and the Internet of Things are increasingly changing the energy domain. These disruptive technologies are becoming more mainstream as a result of media attention and are supported by large multinationals like Tesla and Google. This ...

Comprehensive Business Modelling: Hydrogen and its Integration in the Dutch Energy System

Business modelling from the perspective of a public-private partnership for the case of ‘H-vision’, a project for the implementation of blue hydrogen in the Port of Rotterdam

The goal of this thesis is to determine the effects of integrating blue hydrogen into the Dutch energy system. A new framework is presented to assess several different designs for the business model, infrastructure, and market. This framework is applied to the case of the H-visio ...

Evaluating the transition from V2G to AV2G

The autonomous battery electric vehicle as decentralised bidirectional electricity storage system

A transition to V2G is hampered by many barriers, such as battery degradation and high investment cost. A dramatic shift towards autonomous vehicles (AVs) in the future transport system drastically changes the conditions for a transition to V2G, potentially resulting in a more fl ...