
4 records found

Trust, awareness, and independence

Insights from a socio-psychological factor analysis of citizen knowledge and participation in community energy systems

In order to decarbonize the energy sector, there is a widespread consensus that the role of end-users in the energy system should change from passive consumption to active prosumption and engagement. This is of particular importance as an increasing number of technologies and bus ...

Market strategies for offshore wind in Europe

A development and diffusion perspective

Offshore wind will contribute to the decarbonization of European power systems, but is currently costlier than many other generation technologies. We assess the adequacy of market strategies available to private actors developing offshore wind farms in Europe, by employing the de ...

The integrated offshore grid in Europe

Exploring challenges for regional energy governance

The deployment of offshore wind and power transmission in the European North Sea is accelerating. Stakeholders advocate regional governance for the European grid expansion, which may evolve into a pan-European governance and is key to developing integrated, hybrid offshore projec ...

Local Alternative for Energy Supply

Performance Assessment of Integrated Community Energy Systems

Integrated community energy systems (ICESs) are emerging as a modern development to re-organize local energy systems allowing simultaneous integration of distributed energy resources (DERs) and engagement of local communities. Although local energy initiatives, such as ICESs are ...


16 records found

In this thesis, a research project is conducted to help technical service providers (TSP) that are active in the energy transition of the industrial sector implement Product Service System (PSS) business models. An analytical framework is created to identify success factors for t ...

Cloud Computing Solutions and Business Model Innovation

A case study in the financial services industry

The rise of the so called Insurtechs, leveraging digital technologies to offer superior and personalized offerings, has shaken the insurance industry leading to a new age of innovation and business models. In addition, the importance of a digital customer experience is increasing ...

Direct Trade PPA

Economic & Financial Benefits of a Direct Energy Contract With a Wind farm

In the Netherlands more wind farms are constructed and energy is contracted in long-term Power Purchase Agreemenats (PPA) to guarantee a steady revenue stream for the wind farm owners. However, until now only large corporates closed PPA contracts to obtain the Renewable Energy Cr ...

Batteries and energy arbitrage

A techno-economic analysis of electricity arbitrage opportunities for utility-scale battery energy storage in the Netherlands

As the variable renewable energy share keep on increasing throughout the energy transition, power systems require more and different flexibility measures. Battery energy storage can provide these essential services that enable the energy system to carbonise and transform on short ...

The effect of residential batteries on medium voltage substations

A socio-technical analysis of the emergence of residential batteries in the Netherlands

This report presents an analysis of the emergence of residential batteries from a consumer’s perspective and their effect on the load peak of the distribution grid. First, the future of residential batteries was evaluated in social and technical context by mapping the present sit ...
According to the Paris agreement in 2015, global warming should be limited by applying new innovative technologies in the industry in order to keep the global temperature 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Governmental organisations, institutes and manufacturing compa ...

Towards an integrated offshore transmission system

A scenario-based modelling approach to assess mitigation schemes for hybrid offshore wind projects

In earlier times the climate crisis was ignored. However, these days it is acknowledged as one of the most important challenges the world is facing. With increased awareness of anthropogenic emissions, most sectors are changing rapidly. One of those sectors is the offshore wind e ...
Currently in the energy system of the Netherlands, lower level consumer demand flexibility is rather obsolete due to sufficient capacity limits of the distribution network and supply of capacity mechanisms by large industrial actors. However, in the upcoming 10- 20 years, the pow ...

Hydrogen based ironmaking in 2030

A Tata Steel case study to assess the performance of direct iron ore reduction in the Netherlands

The Iron and Steel (I&S) industry is the largest contributor to man-made greenhouse gas emissions. The products of the I&S industry are a constant necessity, e.g. for civil infrastructure. In addition, their processes are interwoven with coal and natural gas properties, which cla ...

Facilitating large-scale EV penetration in Iceland

Coordination of charging load with demand response to increase distribution grid utilisation

With increased awareness of anthropogenic emissions, industries and sectors worldwide are changing rapidly. One of those sectors is the transport sector which has seen immense change with the increase of electric vehicles in recent years. Although these electric vehicles reduce e ...

Critical barriers of collective battery storage

An evaluation of policy interventions

The thesis identifies critical implementation barriers to collective battery storage on business parks in the Netherlands. Subsequently, using a mixed methods research approach, different assessment frameworks are applied to propose three policy interventions that can overcome th ...

Mergers & Acquisitions in Practice: The Road to Success for High-Tech Firms

An Aggregate European Study on the Effect of Mergers and Acquisitions on High-Tech Target Firm Performance

In the last decade, Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) activity steadily enlarged, where global deal making continues to rise. While the M&A activity is increasing, it is the technology sector with the fastest growing number of transitions. Even though M&A are widely used for financi ...

Risk based decision making approach

Developed for international shipping domain by adapting from asset management in energy infrastructures

Today, shipping industry is a complex system involving multiple actors, multiple interests and intricate interactions occurring at different levels.With any disruption to interaction occurring there would be multiple impacts and accumulation of costs on individual actors operatin ...

The economic competitiveness of green hydrogen based on its alternatives for the Dutch industry

A comprehensive overview of the cost development of green hydrogen alternatives in the Dutch process industry from 2021 to 2050

As the energy transition is starting to accelerate, the Dutch industrial sector is in danger of falling behind with its decarbonisation efforts. Green hydrogen is often suggested as a key-player to decarbonize the industry, replacing fossil fuels used for process heat generation ...

Decentralised Local Energy Markets

Evaluating the Impact of Blockchain Technology on Local Energy Markets

Uprising innovative technologies like blockchain and the Internet of Things are increasingly changing the energy domain. These disruptive technologies are becoming more mainstream as a result of media attention and are supported by large multinationals like Tesla and Google. This ...
The European policy focus on smart grids implies their development as an indispensable part of the future power system. However, the definition of a smart grid is broad and vague, and the actual implementation of a smart grid can differ significantly depending on the stakeholders ...