E.J. Meijers

6 records found

Cities in interaction

Analysing the Dutch system of cities with computational methods

Cities never function in isolation but as nodes in overarching systems characterised by flows of goods, people, and information. To fully understand the evolution of cities, a relational approach is needed, which investigates cities in relation to other cities and urban regions. ...

Planning for the Transition to Clean Shared Mobility

Leveraging System Dynamics as a Tool for Urban Policy Development

This research aims to evaluate the policies and strategies that cities can deploy to facilitate the transition to clean shared mobility. The literature review supports the research through providing insights into the direction of the shared mobility market, charging infrastructur ...

Improving social housing in a sea of open data

The potential role of open data in the decision-making process regarding the energetic improvement by housing associations

In the challenge of climate change, energetically improving the existing residential buildings offers a way to reduce the CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions of the built environment. In the Netherlands, housing associations own and maintain almost a third (2.3 million housing units) ...

A non-straightforward archipelago

Speculative strategies for enriching the ecological and cultural landscapes of the Dutch Southwest Delta

A possible consequence of the contemporary re-evaluation of Dutch flood and water management strategies could be a return to more naturalistic estuarine conditions within the Southwest Delta. This has the potential to re-animate natural systems and habitats as well as bolster cu ...